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Francois Guite


Make AI writing undetectable and bypass AI detection with Humbot's industry-leading humanization technology.

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Francois Guite

Bypass AI

Make your AI text 100% undetectable with BypassAI - your trusted AI detection remover to create plagiarism-free, human-like text.

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Francois Guite

AI Humanizer

Instantly humanize AI text with our powerful AI to human text converter. Get 100% human score and bypass AI detectors!

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Francois Guite

HIX Bypass

HIX Bypass provides both an AI detector and humanizer in one place. They work together to make your AI content undetectable.

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Francois Guite

How Sensory Experiences Shape Neurons

The study also highlighted how sensory deprivation, such as loss of sight, can significantly reorganize these neuronal structures, underscoring the importance of sensory experiences in shaping the brain.

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Francois Guite

L’intelligence artificielle au service des séries d’ici

Longtemps démonisée, l’intelligence artificielle est mise au service des séries télé québécoises. Des fictions comme L’empereur, Une affaire criminelle et Indéfendable s’en servent déjà. Pour toutes sortes de raisons.

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Francois Guite

Forget Billions of Years: Scientists Have Grown Diamonds in Just 150 Minutes

The team behind the innovative approach, led by researchers from the Institute for Basic Science in South Korea, is confident that the process can be scaled up to make a significant difference in the production of synthetic diamonds.

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Francois Guite

Surprising study reveals why men never do housework

Uncover the thought-provoking 'affordance theory' explaining men's perception of housework. Explore how societal conditioning shapes domestic tasks.

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Francois Guite

How Diet Impacts Brain Health

A new study reveals a strong correlation between diet and brain health. Analyzing dietary data and health indicators from 181,990 UK Biobank participants, the study found that a balanced diet is crucial for cognitive function, mental well-being, and brain structure.

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Francois Guite

Apple releases OpenELM: small, open source AI models designed to run on-device

Apple is moving to join the party with OpenELM, a new family of open-source large language models (LLMs) that can run entirely on a single device rather than having to connect to cloud servers.

Shared by Francois Guite, 2 saves total

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