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Michel Bauwens

(310) Getting Fired From My School - Warren Smith - YouTube

"Last Monday I was fired from my school after 4 years of teaching. I recorded this the following day in order to share my perspective - honestly & in good faith - in order to move forward and put this experience behind me. I have no desire to cause complications or bring unwanted attention to the school, so I will not divulge anything beyond that. It is important to me to be able to speak truthfully and honestly about one of the most challenging periods in the story of my life, in order to move onto a new chapter. I hope we all can respect one another's privacy, freedom of speech, and treat each other with dignity - even in challenging times."

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Michel Bauwens

(310) Iain McGilchrist on Civilization and the Divided Mind - YouTube

"Author, scholar, and psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist speaks with John Bell of The Conciliators Guild about human societies, past and present, and how the quality of their cultures and ideas – their tendencies to flourish or self-destruct – reflect their deeply-ingrained habits of thinking.

Iain McGilchrist, a medical doctor and former Oxford literary scholar, is the author of several landmark works about the impact of the brain hemispheres on human life and culture.

His best known are 'The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World', published in 2012, and his two-volume magnum opus 'The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World,' released in 2021."

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Michel Bauwens

(310) Metamodern Spirituality | Reconstructing Value (w/ Zak Stein) - YouTube

"1:58 Summary Overview of First Principles & First Values
7:35 The Project: A Post-Postmodern Reconstruction of Value
12:44 Is Positing Value as Fundamental a Premodern Move?
32:24 "Value": Avoiding Reification
39:11 Languaging the Reconstruction: Difficulties and Diversity
48:29 The Challenge and Importance of Modern Critique of Value
52:39 "Intimacy" or "Complexity"? Seeking Normative Terminology without Anthropomorphizing
1:03:07 Shifting the Paradigm: Translation or Equivocation?
1:06:25 Panpsychist vs. Emergentist Framings
1:10:26 Shifting Telos across Scales: E.g., Dissipative Structures
1:17:56 Value and Anti-Value
1:22:04 New God: Moving towards the Infinite Intimate
1:27:21 Building the Cathedral/Temple: Living with Sacred Purpose"

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Michel Bauwens

The Global Emancipation of the Unvaccinated - by Rav Arora

"The violation of informed consent—specifically, the failure of public health authorities to adequately warn of the risk of myocarditis in young males—and to accurately represent the relatively minuscule threat posed to them by COVID-19—remains a pressing concern as vaccine mandates haven’t been entirely abolished in the West. Virtually all U.S colleges have mandated the booster shot for the fall semester even though there’s zero clinical evidence that healthy double-vaccinated undergraduate students would significantly benefit (last year, elite American universities barred unvaccinated students from even attending online classes).

Other sectors of American society continue to discriminate against the unvaccinated. Last week, a spokesman for NYC mayor Eric Adams told The New York Post that the city has fired over 1,750 city employees for refusing to get vaccinated."

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Michel Bauwens

Homo digitalis – Protect your rights

"Homo Digitalis focuses on defending the rights of people who use the internet in Greece."

Shared by Michel Bauwens, 1 save total

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