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Penny Hayes

☝Higher Order Thinking Questions for You...

☝Higher Order Thinking Questions for Your Next Lesson

Shared by Penny Hayes, 1 save total

Penny Hayes
we all need at least one friend who is just utterly enraptured by beauty, who draws us out of our despair and into a deeper appreciation for poetry and piano concertos and Shakespeare and stained glass and snow falling on cathedrals.
Penny Hayes
I love being at the DBU game with some of my guys!
Penny Hayes
I love owning more books than I can read. I love having options for each mood, the feeling of unlimited choice, the knowledge that I could be stuck inside for years and still live a thousand lives through words. A house full of books is a house full of
Penny Hayes
A snapshot of Eden's journey. Grateful to God for His grace. The journey isn't over, but we are deeply thankful for how far He has brought her.
Penny Hayes
Yes to ALL of this!
Penny Hayes
@KariLake Ms. Lake, there is nothing wrong with Niki Haley's given first name--it's quite a beautiful name, really. But, like former president Trump, you use it in a prejudicial manner to make her seem foreign. That's wrong. It's unChristian and unAmerica
Penny Hayes
When "Name it, claim it" becomes "Name'm, shame'm."
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