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Michel Bauwens

Why the future of democracy could depend on your group chats

"“Feudalism” is a term for what the Middle Ages never really were: a system of rigid fiefdoms where local nobles wield absolute power. But as I describe in my book, “Governable Spaces,” feudalism describes life online quite well. Admins, moderators and influencers rule their communities with powers that the software grants them. They suppress conflict through the digital equivalent of censorship and exile. Big companies and their CEOs are like the kings and popes. But people experience feudalism most directly among fellow users who happen to hold moderation roles."

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Michel Bauwens

Anti-immigration Right makes progress in Irish elections - UnHerd

"Over the weekend, elections were held across Europe to elect MEPs, with the key trend being the success of populist Right-wing candidates across the continent. Ireland, home to a growing grassroots anti-immigration protest movement, held local elections concurrently with the European votes, offering a useful sample size to test the mood of the nation. Will we maintain our reputation as “keen Europeans” in this new and different way?

The elections provided some eye-catching results. In the working-class areas of Dublin, figures directly involved in or associated with the organisation of the anti-immigration protest movement had material success. "

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Michel Bauwens

Military purge illustrates Putin's growing strength - UnHerd

"“In the Russian army, generals who do not steal are as few as those who do not drink.” Given those words of Russian political scientist Vladimir Pastukhov, it may seem surprising that the Kremlin has decided to wage yet another new war — this time, against corruption within its own military.

In March, Russian President Vladimir Putin commanded the Federal Security Service (FSB) to investigate corruption in defence procurement. The high-profile arrest of Deputy Defence Minister Timur Ivanov in April has been followed by the similarly headline-grabbing falls from grace of several other senior defence officials accused of wrongdoing.

However, considering that corruption in Russia’s military has traditionally been both widespread and widely tolerated, the question remains as to why this crackdown is being implemented now. Potentially, with Moscow’s direct military spending predicted to reach nearly $132 billion through 2024 and a long war still ahead, Putin decided that he cannot afford for gun money to go on Gucci. In April, he condemned graft as “stealing the money we need for the defence of the country”, with the UK’s former defence attaché in Moscow Captain John Foreman suggesting that “Putin’s patience finally snapped”."

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Michel Bauwens

The new populist map of Europe - UnHerd

"The big story of the weekend’s elections to the European Parliament was the rise of Right-populist parties. From France and Italy to Germany and Austria, anti-establishment groups increased their vote share and underlined their growing power in the wake of widespread protests across the continent earlier this year. But which countries have seen the most pronounced Rightward turn? Which is the European Union’s most populist country?"

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Michel Bauwens

The radical Right is winning on TikTok - UnHerd

"TikTok, when applied to political discourse, takes the already-hyperactive 24-hour news cycle, then sticks it on radically crowdsourced, swivel-eyed ADHD fast-forward. In this breakneck, breathless, reckless environment, no one makes waves without that indefinable magic that causes people to remember you. The kids call this “rizz”; in old money, it’s box office power, the magnetism of a saint or celebrity.

“We can expect the new centrality of visual appearance, charisma, and emotive viral messaging to intensify polarisation.”
Boris had it; so does Farage, and — outside Europe — the controversial Nayyib Bukele, in El Salvador. As does Bardella. And what’s striking about the new TikTok politics he exemplifies is how it both conveys less, but also more. Policy platforms are simplified; long-form thinking or debate are nigh-on impossible. But where it’s about identity and belonging, a video can convey more visually in a few seconds than I could in a thousand written words."

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Michel Bauwens

Episode 2090: Meredith Broussard on the digital "revolution" of artificial unintelligence and inequality

"AI is dramatically disrupting the world, she notes, and yet it also continues to spread stupidity and compound inequality."

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Michel Bauwens

(20) The Diversity Lie - Aporia

"The Diversity Lie
Diversity is applauded by elites, but it is just a euphemism for anti-white ideas and policies."

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Michel Bauwens

Neighborhoods that Nurture: Why The Play-Based Childhood Requires More Than Just Putting Down the Phone

"Neighborhoods that Nurture: Why The Play-Based Childhood Requires More Than Just Putting Down the Phone
It's easier to create “play-based childhoods” if we can simultaneously create vibrant “community-based childhoods” to support them."

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Michel Bauwens

In Praise Of Decontrol: Part Two — Intro

"America, historically the society that has done best at accommodating to evolutionary decontrol dynamics, is currently awash in its own decontrol challenges.  They are distorting all three major realms of our society: civil society, government, and the market economy.  Here are three that trouble me these days:

Much of capitalism has entered a so-called “late capitalism” phase that justifies predatory profiteering, market rigging, and sector meddling in ways that diminish and distort not only our market system but also our political and civil-society systems.  This “late capitalism,” unlike past “democratic capitalism,” is very control-oriented and is subverting how all four TIMN forms and their realms are performing in our society. 

If Donald Trump regains the presidency, he intends to dismantle the “administrative state,” initially by firing myriad civil-service staff and then downsizing and replacing it with sworn loyalists, cronies, and fellow-travelers.  While a case can be made for smaller government, Trump’s plan spells an unbridled reversion to tribal practices — an ancient method of control — in order to de-professionalize, suborn, and corrupt our political institutions for personalistic purposes. 

America’s next major evolutionary decontrol challenge lies ahead: For several decades, the emergence of the information-age network form has unsettled nearly everything.  One way or another, its rise lies behind all the social, political, cultural, and religious conflicts that have rent our society in recent decades.  But while +N’s rise is affecting how the earlier three TIMN forms are being used, it is unclear what next-new realm of specialized actors and activities may ultimately coalesce around +N to create a fourth realm of society.  More about that later.  For the moment, I only want to note that our society is headed toward a new evolutionary transition because of the rise of the information-age network form.  The outcome will depend on whether its own phase of decontrol dynamics unfolds properly, and on how long-entrenched political and business elites fight its unfolding.

Thus I mean to point out not only the overlooked yet pivotal role of decontrol in major evolutionary transitions from simpler to more complex societies.  I also want to decry, again for evolutionary reasons, the stifling adversity wrought by autocratic government leaders around our troubled world who persistently think and act strictly in control terms, mostly for fear of losing control. "

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Michel Bauwens

Why is Deep Sleep Before Midnight Crucial? with Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan

"Join Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan, a sleep physiologist, as she discusses the shortcomings of mainstream medical advice and the critical importance of deep sleep before midnight for emotional and physical health. Discover the different stages of sleep, the roles of traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, and the profound connection between sleep and well-being. Learn about energy cycles, the impact of sleep on daily performance, and strategies for managing screen time and social media addiction. We also delve into the significance of regulating the autonomic nervous system, understanding the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, and achieving restful sleep through practical techniques and routines"

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