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Bertrand Duperrin

We’re All Programmers Now

 Generative AI can help employees who have no coding background become adept programmers, or what we call citizen developers. By simply describing what they want in a prompt, nontechnical employees can collaborate with generative AI tools to build entire applications—a process that until recently required advanced programming ability.

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 4 saves total

  • With no need for an IT professional to design and build new applications, systems developed using generative AI will be more likely to fit the specific needs of their users, increasing the probable effectiveness of the applications
  • Nonetheless, many IT staffers with whom we’ve spoken are opposed to citizen development. They fear that it will result in poor-quality systems that the IT team will have to repair—or that generative AI tools will replace IT entirely.

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Bertrand Duperrin

People May Be More Trusting of AI When They Can’t See How It Works

Georgetown University’s Timothy DeStefano and colleagues—Harvard’s Michael Menietti and Luca Vendraminelli and MIT’s Katherine Kellogg—analyzed the stocking decisions for 425 products of a U.S. luxury fashion retailer across 186 stores. Half the decisions were made after employees received recommendations from an easily understood algorithm, the other half after recommendations from one that couldn’t be deciphered. A comparison of the decisions showed that employees followed the guidance of the uninterpretable algorithm more often. The conclusion: People may be more trusting of AI when they can’t see how it works.

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 2 saves total

  • Prior research has demonstrated that decision-makers are often reluctant to accept AI-generated guidance, whether consciously or unconsciously, and routinely overrule it.
  • Turns out, shipments were up to 50% closer to the recommendations generated by the black box system than to those from the simpler, rule-based algorithm, suggesting that employees trusted the black box model much more.

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Bertrand Duperrin
  • En effet, si l’on attribuait une goutte d’eau à chaque calcul nécessaire à la formation du modèle PaLM de Google, par exemple, le volume ainsi constitué suffirait à remplir l’océan Pacifiqu
  • Microsoft a signé, dans le cadre de son objectif de 100% de consommation d’énergie sans carbone d’ici 2030, le plus important contrat d’achat d’énergie renouvelable jamais conclu par une entreprise, pour un coût estimé entre 11,5 et 17 milliards de dollars

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Bertrand Duperrin

The leaders of IKEA, ServiceNow, Coursera, and Publicis Sapient offer different visions of how AI will impact their companies - Fast Company

Generative AI has moved beyond “gee whiz.” In January, BCG released results of a survey showing that 90% of CEOs were waiting for generative AI to evolve “past the hype.” But some of the most innovative business leaders are already embracing AI. Some 72% of respondents to Fast Company’s Survey of Innovation Excellence, for example, say they are actively incorporating generative AI tools into their business processes or finished products. Here are just a few examples of how CEOs are thinking about AI at their companies and in the business landscape. (Answers edited for length and clarity.)"

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • we’ve been using AI but more in technical ways of [automating] customer service and improving our logistic positions.
  • “In our line of business, people search for products, finding and buying them. [AI] is about being accessible and making [that process] easy. People are looking for inspiration

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Bertrand Duperrin

Why hiring a chief AI officer is a mistake - Fast Company

"As companies begin to navigate this with AI, it’s no surprise that we’ve seen a rise in chief AI officers (CAIO) joining executive teams. In fact, recent data indicates that 21% of midsize to large companies are searching for someone to fill the CAIO role, and news that The White House is ordering all federal agencies to name CAIOs has sparked deeper conversations about the need for this role in the private sector."

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Bertrand Duperrin

(23) Why Change Agents have been very hard to recruit | LinkedIn

"In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations are continuously seeking ways to stay competitive and efficient. One common approach is the deployment of new target operating models (TOMs) and the introduction of advanced technologies. While these initiatives promise significant benefits, they also present substantial challenges, particularly in recruiting internal change agents. These are individuals within the organization who advocate for and facilitate the adoption of new processes and technologies. Despite their crucial role, finding and empowering these change agents is fraught with difficulties."

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Bertrand Duperrin
  • Overly detailed job descriptions can create rigidity in a dynamic transformation environment. They can limit the ability of employees to adapt to new roles
  • Strict adherence to detailed job descriptions and a RACI matrix can lead to silos within the organization

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Sacha Quester-Séméon

Super reportage de terrain pour lancer l...

Super reportage de terrain pour lancer le #PôleJunior de #JamaisSansElles, parce qu'il le vaut bien ! Mille mercis @infofrance3.
Bravo à Noémie Kester aka Natacha Quester-Séméon Salomon

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Sacha Quester-Séméon

L'édition nationale du journal de a sui...

L'édition nationale du journal de @infofrance3 a suivi ce #8mars le lancement du #PôleJunior de @JamaisSansElles sur le terrain. L’intervention dans cette école était centrée sur les stéréotypes et les biais de genre dans le monde professionnel, la fémini

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Sacha Quester-Séméon

Bienvenue aux étudiants réunis dans le ...

Bienvenue aux étudiants réunis dans le #PôleJunior #JamaisSansElles ! #8Mars
Merci de vous et merci de votre confiance. Votre enthousiasme et votre force de vie, votre engagement pour le bien de tous, l'égalité et la justice, nous montre que quoi qu'il no

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