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Colleen Young
@ColleenYoung @therispguy Yes lol, typo!
Colleen Young

Don't miss out, fx-CG50 Topic Deep Dive next Monday. This fr...

Don't miss out, fx-CG50 Topic Deep Dive next Monday. This free webinar will be focusing on Integration skills for A Level Mathematics using the fx-CG50. @GuideCalculator @ColleenYoung @MathsTechnology @MEIMaths @Advanced_Maths @mat

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Colleen Young

Percentage Change - Fill In The Blanks | Teaching Resources

Percentage Change - Fill In The Blanks

I wrote this today... if you are interested then tuck in; if you're not then scroll on.

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Colleen Young
There have been some new units published recently on OAT Maths: A6 - The Cartesian Grid (including linear graphs) A7 - Introduction to Sequences A8 - Linear Inequalities A9 - Contextual Graphs NP12 - Standard Form I wanted to draw attention to one of thes
Colleen Young

Worksheets and Posters – Addvance Maths

Some nice midpoints practice has been uploaded!

(answer sheet also available!)

Shared by Colleen Young, 1 save total

Colleen Young

Check out this interactive applet where...

Check out this interactive @geogebra applet where ss can #MathPlay

Shared by Colleen Young, 1 save total

Colleen Young
@sxpmaths @DrFrostMaths Took me all of 20 seconds to do one for Higher Jan 2022, and if you don't like a particular Q you can press refresh until you find one to your liking, or even totally change the topic on the left if you want a differetn kind of que
Colleen Young

*** NEW *** Understanding how the brain works can transform ...

*** NEW *** Understanding how the brain works can transform how school students learn maths via @ConversationUK @LboroDME @lborocmc @LboroScience

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Colleen Young

Leap Year

Four different puzzles/activities to use in your Maths lesson today to mark Leap Year day:

#mathsresources #mathschat #mathchat #lessonstarter

Shared by Colleen Young, 1 save total

Colleen Young

Teacher of Science, Doncaster - Tes Jobs

Our job advert closes this Sunday! If you’re interested, do come visit! We’ve got booklets (so you can focus on teaching not hours at the printer/gluing stuff in), opportunities to grow and develop, a strong curriculum and wonderful scholars

Shared by Colleen Young, 1 save total

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