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Jimmy Breeze

What interventions increase active travel? - ScienceDirect

The review found interventions aimed at changing behaviour without any associated environmental or infrastructure changes had little impact and that such behavioural interventions needed to be repeated for any impact to be maintained. Interventions combining infrastructure change with social/behavioural programmes had more impact, as did interventions involving e-bikes, and potentially cycle-sharing schemes. Interventions involving pedal cycles alone were positive in increasing cycling amongst people on low incomes with limited alternative transport options.

Therefore, policy makers and planners should stop designing or funding interventions that only address behavioural or social aspects of active travel. Instead, environmental and infrastructure changes are required to make walking, cycling and wheeling feel safer and more pleasant. These should include road space reallocation. Future research should focus on how to develop public and political support for such interventions.

Shared by Jimmy Breeze, 1 save total

Jimmy Breeze

Going Car Free: The Oxford Car Free Challenge — Possible

Interesting bit of work - CAST involved - sounds like diary stuff


In collaboration with Low Carbon Oxford North (LCON) and ESRC Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST), we invited 12 drivers in Oxford to trial living car-free for three weeks and log their experiences. This research sheds light on the opportunities and challenges for car-free living, and gives guidance to local decision makers in the city (and beyond) about how they can help more people choose public transport and/or active travel.

The report shows that ordinary residents are willing to try alternative ways of getting around, while highlighting the city’s existing barriers to greener travel and the types of support that residents found most helpful in leaving their cars behind.

Shared by Jimmy Breeze, 1 save total

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