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Shelly Terrell

Curious about a school’s climate? An ex...

Curious about a school’s climate? An #SEL expert’s 50-point checklist will tell you what to look for during a walk-through.

Shared by Shelly Terrell, 1 save total

Shelly Terrell

Core Values and Index Card Survey Activity - Google Slides

It's that time of year when I'm returning a lot to the values students laid out at the beginning of the year—having them reflect on how these values have shifted and deepened over their school year.

Never too late in the year to do this activity! https:/

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Shelly Terrell

Families want their Ss to succeed in the...

Families want their Ss to succeed in the classroom – but they don't all have equal access to information about how to support their learners, reminds educator @harveycanread.

Ideas on sharing that information more equitably:


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Shelly Terrell

Dropbox - History and reading - Simplify your life

A scheme of work showcasing why reading is important, how reading has saved lives, how history has inspired fiction and an opportunity for pupils to write their own historical fiction. Inspiring reading for pleasure in light of World Book Day.

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Shelly Terrell

Fascinating Guide to exceptional teaching & learning at ...

Fascinating Guide to exceptional teaching & learning at Long Bay College in NZ. Guide is influenced by the works of Sweller @AlexJQuigley @dylanwiliam @teacherhead Englemann Bjork @greg_ashman @olicav @DavidDidau @Doug_Lemov etc.

Shared by Shelly Terrell, 2 saves total

Shelly Terrell

▶️Scaffolded Reading✅Six principles ht...

▶️Scaffolded Reading
✅Six principles

Shared by Shelly Terrell, 1 save total

Shelly Terrell

- YouTube

This session by @ShellTerrell at #Ellliicon2022 was absolutely jam-packed with cool ideas and tools to get students speaking.

Watch full session:

What are your favourite tools and activities to get students talking?


Shared by Shelly Terrell, 1 save total

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