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Clay Burell
  • How did a young nation turn so quickly on its own democratic ideals, and at what price? Any meaningful answer to these questions has to take into account how a half-century of lawless behavior that went largely unpunished propelled a radical form of ultranationalism to the center of Israeli politics. This is the history that is told here in three parts. In Part I, we describe the origins of a religious movement that established Jewish settlements in the newly won territories of Gaza and the West Bank during the 1970s. In Part II, we recount how the most extreme elements of the settler movement began targeting not only Palestinians but also Israeli leaders who tried to make peace with them. And in Part III, we show how the most established members of Israel’s ultraright, unpunished for their crimes, gained political power in Israel, even as a more radical generation of settlers vowed to eliminate the Israeli state altogether.
  • In 2022, just 18 months after losing the prime ministership, Benjamin Netanyahu regained power by forming an alliance with ultraright leaders of both the Religious Zionism Party and the Jewish Power party. It was an act of political desperation on Netanyahu’s part, and it ushered into power some truly radical figures, people — like Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir — who had spent decades pledging to wrest the West Bank and Gaza from Arab hands. Just two months earlier, according to news reports at the time, Netanyahu refused to share a stage with Ben-Gvir, who had been convicted multiple times for supporting terrorist organizations and, in front of television cameras in 1995, vaguely threatened the life of Rabin, who was murdered weeks later by an Israeli student named Yigal Amir.

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Clay Burell
  • The tragedy is that Babylonia could have regained its former glory or possibly surpassed it under an unencumbered reign of Belshazzar. Instead, the Neo-Babylonian Empire was short-lived due to Nabonidus’ insanity, sabotage and betrayal. Rather, Belshazzar, the king who could have laid the foundations for a resurgence of Babylonian culture and influence was marginalized, slandered, and murdered. This was one of the greatest tragedies to play out in the ancient world.
Clay Burell

The press versus the president, part one - Columbia Journalism Review

Editor's Note (a "preface")Part 1: " INTRODUCTION: ‘I REALIZED EARLY ON I HAD TWO JOBS"--much outright fabrication here on the part of the Hillary Clinton campaign re: Russiagate via Fusion GPS. Interesting that anti-Trump RNC figures also gave it a try, but with less success than Hillary. Ends with Trump's first week and attempt to mend bridges with media.Part 2: "CHAPTER 2: THE ORIGINS OF FAKE NEWS". Steele Dossier publication, credibility, and aftermath. WaPo and Michael Flynn story. NTY fabrication of Trump-Russian Intelligence contacts during mid-2016, mis-characterization (fabrication) of credibility of Steele dossier sources. To me, this marks the advent of the Trump Derangement Syndrome (understandable to despise him, but, you know, journalistic principles should matter) and Russiagate hysteria that has flowered into our dangerous new Cold War. And so far, the role of the DNC in these fabrications seems to have subsided, maybe because the TDS (and increased NYT subscriptions post-2016 by anti-Trumpers) made it unnecessary. NYT and WaPo violations of journalistic integrity explode.
Comey testimony, Adam Schiff shenanigans, Manafort and Carter Page story issues, firing of Comey. So this covers the first months of the Trump admin to May 2017. Part 3: "A CONTESTED PULITZER"
To April 2018. Trump interview on Comey firing with NBC's Lester Holt, and inaccurate MSM spinning of that interview fuels Russiagate hysteria. Mueller investigation finds no collusion so shifts to "obstruction." WaPo breaks story that Hillary lawyer hired Fusion to produce Steele dossier; NYT journo on Twitter attacks WaPo article's veracity.  Flynn pleads guilty to lying about Russia contacts, and MSM insinuates it's the tip of the iceberg in an avalanche of "walls are closing in" Russiagate "conspiracy" speculation (interesting details on Flynn's case later finding "exculpatory evidence" before Trump pardoned him). Next, the very sketchy FBI (Strzok and McCabe) Papadopoulos investigation "scoop." House Intelligence Committe GOP Chair Nunes releases memo in Feb 2018 condemning use of Steele dossier in Carter Page FISA request. NYT trashes it and praises Dems' response; DOJ IG later agrees with Nunes. Then, April 2018, WaPo and NYT win Pulitzers for Russiagate reporting and the fallout. One of my top-3 favorite independent journalists, Aaron Maté (interviews Taibbi in the 5-minute video linked on top), gets a mention for his pushback. Showtime airs a documentary lionizing the NYT coverage called The Fourth Estate. Robert Redford/Sundance and other documentary projects involving WaPo are quietly dropped in the face of the centrality of the now thoroughly discredited Steele dossier.Part 4: "HELSINKI AND THE $3,000 RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN"
July 2018 Trump-Putin summit and the "Russian meddling" claims. Amazing omissions in NYT and Maddow reports on Trump interview on the subject (WaPo has consistently emerged as less unscrupulous than the NYT so far, albeit still guilty of extreme bias by burying counter-evidence left out by NYT in the bottom graphs of its own reports). Trump on Bolton (funny) and on his sanctions of NordStream II. Times runs “The Plot to Subvert an Election” bombshell alleging "Russian-backed" IRA swayed the election via FB and Twitter adds (since thoroughly debunked on several levels, but ignored by MSM, as the article goes on to substantiate, resulting in polls showing 47% of Americans and 72% of Democrats still believe Russian ads swung the election to Trump). Cohen lies about Trump business deal negotiations in Russia, media pounces with unjustified "bombshells." March 2018: Barr summarizes Mueller investigation results after Mueller fails to redact his report for release; Mueller leaks a condemnation of Barr's report to the press, sparking more Russiagate outrage--but also schisms in the liberal media, with Yahoo's Isikoff attacking Maddow for promoting the Steele dossier so uncritically and constantly. MSNBC stops inviting Isikoff to its broadcasts, lol. Redacted full Mueller report released weeks later claims Russia possibly hacked DNC email trove to Wikileaks (debunked by retired top CIA analysts, Ray McGovern and William Binney, at Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity/VIPS, though not mentioned in this article), further dimming Assange's hopes of ever escaping his confinement and extradition to the US). Media seizes on the Manafort-Kilimnik relationship to continue the collusion narrative, despite no evidence for Kilimnik's relations to Russian intelligence bodies. 
"Chapter 5: The scandal that never ends"
Dem congresspeople and voter belief in the collusion story rises to 84% after the Mueller report! Dems want to impeach Trump now for "obstruction." July 2018, House Judiciary Committee questions Mueller to much fanfare. It fizzles. Next day Trump calls Zelensky to ask for dirt on Biden."Chapter 6: The two January 6ths" 
--if nothing else, read this.

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  • The two most inflammatory, and enduring, slogans commandeered by Trump in this conflict were “fake news” and the news media as “the enemy of the American people.” They both grew out of stories in the first weeks of 2017 about Trump and Russia that wound up being significantly flawed or based on uncorroborated or debunked information, according to FBI documents that later became public. Both relied on anonymous sources.
  • Today, the US media has the lowest credibility—26 percent—among forty-six nations, according to a 2022 study by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. In 2021, 83 percent of Americans saw “fake news” as a “problem,” and 56 percent—mostly Republicans and independents—agreed that the media were “truly the enemy of the American people,” according to Rasmussen Reports.

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Clay Burell
  • Ukraine and Russia have made significant progress on a tentative peace plan including a ceasefire and Russian withdrawal if Kyiv declares neutrality and accepts limits on its armed forces, according to five people briefed on the talks.
  • Ukrainian and Russian negotiators discussed the proposed deal in full for the first time on Monday, said two of the people. The 15-point draft considered that day would involve Kyiv renouncing its ambitions to join Nato and promising not to host foreign military bases or weaponry in exchange for protection from allies such as the US, UK and Turkey, the people said.

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Clay Burell
  • Ukraine is ready to declare neutrality, abandon its drive to join Nato and vow to not develop nuclear weapons if Russia withdraws troops and Kyiv receives security guarantees, President Volodymyr Zelensky said ahead of peace talks in Turkey this week.
    Speaking in Russian, Zelensky told a group of Russian independent journalists on Sunday that Kyiv was prepared to meet Moscow on some of its demands on the condition that the changes were put to a referendum and third parties promised to protect Ukraine.
    “Security guarantees and neutrality, the non-nuclear status of our state — we’re ready to do that. That’s the most important point . . . they started the war because of it,” Zelensky said. Ukraine’s main goal was to end the war as quickly as possible and make Russia’s forces withdraw to the positions they held before Russian president Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion on February 24, he said.
  • Delegations from Ukraine and Russia are set to start meeting on Tuesday morning in Istanbul for talks aimed at ending the invasion.
    Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, said on Monday: “While we cannot and will not speak about progress at the talks, the fact that they are continuing to take place in person is important, of course.”
    Also speaking to journalists on Monday, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said “there is a chance for an agreement” as Moscow believes Nato has heard some of its security concerns, the state Tass news agency reported. “There is an understanding of our western partners’ gross mistakes of many years, it is present now, although for understandable reasons they will hardly say it out loud,” Lavrov said.

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