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Mathieu Plourde

What is a Good Internet Speed? | 2024 guide

"Broadband internet is defined as 100 Mbps download speed, but what is considered a good internet speed depends on your household size and internet activities."

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 3 saves total

Mathieu Plourde

Sky voice actor says nobody ever compared her to ScarJo before OpenAI drama

"OpenAI is sticking to its story that it never intended to copy Scarlett Johansson's voice when seeking an actor for ChatGPT's "Sky" voice mode.

The company provided The Washington Post with documents and recordings clearly meant to support OpenAI CEO Sam Altman's defense against Johansson's claims that Sky was made to sound "eerily similar" to her critically acclaimed voice acting performance in the sci-fi film Her."

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 1 save total

Mathieu Plourde

Recall des PC Copilot+: une bombe à retardement pour la vie privée?

"Votre prochain PC risque d’enregistrer et de conserver tout ce que vous regardez et écrivez. Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité à l’IA de Microsoft n’est pas encore lancée, mais elle inquiète déjà."

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 1 save total

Mathieu Plourde

Khan Academy and Microsoft will give teachers a free AI assistant

"AI assistant Khanmigo can help time-strapped teachers come up with lesson ideas and test questions, the companies say."

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 1 save total

Mathieu Plourde

L'IA est un moyen, pas une fin

"on évalue la complexité du cas d’usage, la somme de l’investissement en temps et en dollars, le rendement de l’investissement et, finalement, les risques du projet, ajoute le dirigeant de la coopérative financière. Parfois, il y a des manières plus faciles d’y arriver qu’avec l’IA. "

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 1 save total

Mathieu Plourde

Robot Housekeeper From Stanford's IRIS Lab Does All Your Chores

"Stanford's IRIS lab has createda system called Aloha to teach robots to do household chorrs."

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 1 save total

Mathieu Plourde

Is This the End of Reading?

"Academics across the country are talking about the reading problems they are seeing among traditional-age students. Many, they say, don’t see the point in doing much work outside of class. Some struggle with reading endurance and weak vocabulary. A lack of faith in their own academic abilities leads some students to freeze and avoid doing the work altogether.

And a significant number of those who do the work seem unable to analyze complex or lengthy texts. Their limited experience with reading also means they don’t have the context to understand certain arguments or points of view."

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 5 saves total

Mathieu Plourde

Enhancing the future of education with Khan Academy

"Today, we announced a new partnership with Khan Academy to help turn the promise of AI in education into reality and increase access to innovation. As part of the partnership, Microsoft is enabling Khan Academy to provide free access to Khanmigo for Teachers to all US educators, we’re collaborating to explore opportunities to improve AI-powered math tutoring with a new open-source small language model, and bringing high-quality education experiences to more learners."

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 2 saves total

Mathieu Plourde

Guide sur l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle générative

"Le présent document sert d’orientation aux institutions fédérales afin de les aider dans leur utilisation des outils d’IA générative. Cela inclut les cas où ces outils sont déployés par les institutions fédérales. Il donne une vue d’ensemble de l’IA générative, identifie les défis liés à son utilisation, propose des principes pour l’utiliser de manière responsable, et suggère des considérations politiques et des pratiques exemplaires."

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 2 saves total

Mathieu Plourde

Prompt Library — More Useful Things: AI Resources

"Prompts on this page (but no other content on the site) are licensed under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International This license requires that reusers give credit to the creators (Ethan Mollick and Lilach Mollick). It allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes. Use prompts at your own risk, outputs may not be correct."

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 19 saves total

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