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Bertrand Duperrin

IA générative : "Notre enjeu numéro un, c'est le passage à l'échelle", Jean-Philippe Faure, DSI Eiffage

"Jean-Philippe Faure est directeur des systèmes d'information du groupe Eiffage. Il revient en détail sur le partenariat stratégique du géant du BTP avec Google Cloud pour développer et mettre en œuvre des cas d'usage autour de l'intelligence artificielle au sein des différentes branches de l'entreprise."

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 2 saves total

  • Il faut rappeler qu'historiquement nous avons une politique d'ERP unique, ce qui fait que nous avons un ERP Finance, un ERP RH, un ERP Matériel, etc.
  • Notre enjeu numéro un, c'est le passage à l'échelle. Parce que très souvent nous faisons un "IA day" ou un "Data day" avec 600 à 700 projets qui sortent et il est très difficile après, dans la gouvernance, de les arbitrer, de les prioriser

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Bertrand Duperrin

Anaplan CEO: How decision excellence drives enterprise performance | McKinsey

"Over the years, as the pace of business and the amount of information have grown exponentially, connected planning has evolved to include extensive, dynamic scenario planning, enabling what CEO Charlie Gottdiener calls the “connected enterprise”—an organization in which employees spend most of the time “making decisions and iterating scenarios to make the best decisions.”"

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 3 saves total

  • In our research, we found a very strong connection between making great decisions, or what we call decision excellence, and performance.
  • We define decision excellence as the velocity, quality, and efficiency of decision making

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Bertrand Duperrin

Design Your Organization to Serve Customers Well | Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog

"In the first part of this part of the seminar Bill talks about the value of talking to those in your organization that take what you produce (a product or service) and use that in their work as your organization continues to work to deliver to the “end users” (final customers). This seems so simple and unlikely to provide value but it is surprising how often what one part of the organization believes are the most important aspects of their output to others is not actually accurate."

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • The focus is on continual never ending improvement. This is a much different mindset than focusing on what is most broken right now and how can we put in place some band-aid to allow things to keep working as they have but stop the visible issue as quickly as possible.

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