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Mathieu Plourde

Boite à outil «Prêt-à-former» | CHUM

"Cette première édition (2024) met en lumière des fiches conçues et développées par des auxiliaires de recherche de l’Université Laval, dans le cadre d’un projet de la Chaire de leadership en enseignement sur les pratiques pédagogiques innovantes en contexte numérique en collaboration avec le CHUM et l’OBVIA. Elle est rendue possible grâce à la participation financière du ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie du Québec par le biais de son programme NovaScience."

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Mathieu Plourde

2024 EDUCAUSE AI Landscape Study

"Moving from reaction to action, higher education stakeholders are currently exploring the opportunities afforded by AI for teaching, learning, and work while maintaining a sense of caution for the vast array of risks AI-powered technologies pose. To aid in these efforts, we present this inaugural EDUCAUSE AI Landscape Study, in which we summarize the higher education community’s current sentiments and experiences related to strategic planning and readiness, policies and procedures, workforce, and the future of AI in higher education."

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Mathieu Plourde

CIOs not entirely sold on generative AI copilots | CIO

"Gunkel is leaning toward offering a couple of AI assistant options, including Microsoft Copilot, to employees later this year. However, he doesn’t yet see a clear case for general-purpose office AI assistants like Copilot. “Right now, am I inclined to pay at scale? No,” he says. “But am I inclined to pay for small portions of the population? Yeah, that makes sense.”"

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Mathieu Plourde

AI and Assessment: Where We Are Now

"Because technology can capture how students create assignments, teachers can assess the learner’s process as well as the learning outcome.
While autograding remains controversial, it also frees up time that professors can redirect to other activities that enhance student learning.
Because technology can create limitless numbers of tests that cover the same material, professors can give each student a personalized exam, which mitigates the chances of cheating."

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Mathieu Plourde

Microsoft’s VASA-1 can deepfake a person with one photo and one audio track

""It paves the way for real-time engagements with lifelike avatars that emulate human conversational behaviors," reads the abstract of the accompanying research paper"

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Mathieu Plourde

Série de vidéos: Pratiques pédagogiques et santé mentale étudiante - Station SME

"Dans cette série de 3 vidéos, des offrent leur témoignage sur des pratiques favorables à la santé mentale étudiante. Ils et elles y abordent notamment leur rôle, le lien entre la santé mentale et la réussite ainsi que l’importance d’une relation pédagogique bienveillante."

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Mathieu Plourde

Tendances en matière d’apprentissage numérique | Observatoire sur la réussite en enseignement supérieur

"Plusieurs défis liés à l’utilisation du numérique dans l’enseignement et dans l’apprentissage ont été identifiés dans cette enquête :

L’intégrité académique (78 %)
L’efficacité des pratiques d’évaluation (68 %)
L’adaptation aux besoins d’apprentissage variés (67 %)
La fatigue et l’épuisement des personnes enseignantes (66 %)
La littératie numérique des personnes enseignantes (61 %)
L’efficacité des pratiques pédagogiques (59 %)"

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Mathieu Plourde

L’IA en éducation : une valeur pédagogique ajoutée? - École branchée

"Notre collaborateur Sylvain Desautels a été, comme plusieurs, entraîné dans la vague de l’intelligence artificielle en éducation au cours des derniers mois. Dans ce texte, il prend un pas de recul pour se poser la question : est-ce que l’intelligence artificielle apporte à l’enseignement une véritable valeur ajoutée?"

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Mathieu Plourde

Full article: Hello GPT! Goodbye home examination? An exploratory study of AI chatbots impact on university teachers’ assessment practices

Generative AI and the emergence of AI-chatbots
A post-phenomenological lens on technological mediations in education
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AI chatbots have recently fuelled debate regarding education practices in higher education institutions worldwide. Focusing on Generative AI and ChatGPT in particular, our study examines how AI chatbots impact university teachers’ assessment practices, exploring teachers’ perceptions about how ChatGPT performs in response to home examination prompts in undergraduate contexts. University teachers (n = 24) from four different departments in humanities and social sciences participated in Turing Test-inspired experiments, where they blindly assessed student and ChatGPT-written responses to home examination questions. Additionally, we conducted semi-structured interviews in focus groups with the same teachers examining their reflections about the quality of the texts they assessed. Regarding chatbot-generated texts, we found a passing rate range across the cohort (37.5 − 85.7%) and a chatbot-written suspicion range (14–23%). Regarding the student-written texts, we identified patterns of downgrading, suggesting that teachers were more critical when grading student-written texts. Drawing on post-phenomenology and mediation theory, we discuss AI chatbots as a potentially disruptive technology in higher education practices."

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Mathieu Plourde

Provisional Guidelines on the Use of Generative AI in Operational Excellence

"Guidelines for the use of generative AI tools for McMaster employees"

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