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Juan José López

How to pre-empt poor behaviour and avoid unnecessary confrontations in your classroom | Shaun Allison

Shaun Allison wrote a really helpful summary of a video by Adam Boxer entitled ‘Setting Students up to Succeed’. In the video, Adam shares some approaches he uses in his classroom to prevent problems arising. The approaches are taken from Doug Lemov’s superb book ‘Teach Like a Champion 2.0’. You can watch the video below:

Cómo anticiparse al mal comportamiento y evitar confrontaciones innecesarias en clase

Shared by Juan José López, 2 saves total

Juan José López

You've taught a great lesson, then you ask a question to che...

You've taught a great lesson, then you ask a question to check for understanding, and you get silence. What happened? And how do you fix it? In this week's post and podcast, Blake Harvard (@effortfuleduktr) breaks it down.

Shared by Juan José López, 1 save total

Juan José López

Am I sitting too long? Here’s how often you should get out of your seat. - Vox

Si pasáis mucho tiempo sentados, esta ilustración resume cómo MICRODOSIFICAR el movimiento a lo largo de la jornada.
Porque estar sentado mata.

Lo de microdosificar, igual que la ilustración, es de aquí:

Shared by Juan José López, 3 saves total

Juan José López

Acceso FP grado medio exámenes Madrid - YouTube

Sigo subiendo ejercicios resueltos a esta lista de videos para preparación de acceso a #FP de #gradomedio de Madrid
Los de mates y los problemas de física y química.
De momento hay 38 vídeos

Shared by Juan José López, 1 save total

Marco Berenguer

Els nous xecs escolars també seran per a l'ESO i es podran cedir als centres

Em pregunto xq jo, que afortunadament puc pagar el material de la meva filla rebré el xec igual q altres famílies q, per més xecs que rebin, no arribaran a poder pagar-ho tot.

No es tracta d'igualtat, es tracta d'equitat.

Shared by Marco Berenguer, 1 save total

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