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Gerhard Stoltz
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Gerhard Stoltz
  • Our brains will never twice have exactly the same firing pattern of neurons, but there are plenty of circumstances where nevertheless we’ll end up doing the same thing.
  • But it’s not always this way. While many of our genes carry mutations that make no difference to our health, sometimes a mutation — just one genetic “letter” in a DNA sequence that is “wrong” — can be catastrophic. So the independence of the macro from the micro is not complete
Gerhard Stoltz
  • science pedagogy has a tendency to emphasize the completed, polished form of theories. Students are rarely exposed to the messy and sometimes irrational process of their creation, and they are certainly not encouraged to wonder what alternative formalizations could have explained the evidence equally well.
  • The danger is when scientists keep their metaphysics to themselves, or, worse, pretend that they have no metaphysics at all and are solely guided by the evidence, because it’s then that they run the risk of being driven by passing scientific fashions and political fads rather than by reasoned and universal principles.
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