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Bertrand Duperrin

People-centric operational excellence

"Making employee engagement and empathetic leadership priorities can contribute to the success of operations leaders"

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  • 43 percent of audience respondents said new leadership practices emphasizing empathy will be the biggest game changer in balancing operational precision and empathy in the future.
  • Part of creating a psychologically safe workplace is dependent on having empathetic leaders

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Bertrand Duperrin

Discover the Four Stages of AI Transformation – JOSH BERSIN

"As the tools get smarter and more domain focused we are going to have to rethink our jobs and business processes. And unlike ERP, where we essentially trained people to “adopt” the system, now a lot of the groundbreaking applications come from the bottom up. Individuals will discover capabilities for AI and then apply them in increasingly innovative ways."

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  • Level 1: Make existing work easier. (Same job, better tools.)


    This is where we click on the Microsoft Copilot or Zoom or Teams and the system analyzes a meeting, summarizes emails, or writes a document with our help. We do our jobs the same way we did before, but we now have a “super-productivity” tool to make it easier. These “add-on” use cases are emerging everywhere, and they already feel like a commodity.

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Bertrand Duperrin

Four gen AI shifts that will reshape enterprise technology | McKinsey

"How tech leaders organize and manage teams, talent, IT architecture, and costs may dramatically shift in the next decade as a result of generative AI. Here’s what to consider."

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  • Our recent discussions with tech leaders across industries suggest that four emerging shifts are on the horizon as a result of gen AI, each with implications for how tech leaders will run their organizations. These include new patterns of work, architectural foundations, and organizational and cost structures that change both how teams interact with AI and the role gen AI agents play.1

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Bertrand Duperrin

Télétravail : 7 idées reçues démontées par la science

"Productivité en berne, managers débordés, culture d’entreprise en péril… À l'heure du rappel (forcé) des troupes au bureau, et si on démêlait le vrai du faux sur le télétravail ? Voici sept idées reçues passées au crible de la science, avec des solutions concrètes pour en tirer le meilleur parti."

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Bertrand Duperrin

2025 AI Business Predictions: PwC

"Making AI intrinsic to the organization is vital, because making “big leaps” (such as new business models) is only one source of game-changing AI value. The other is the cumulative result of incremental value at scale: 20% to 30% gains in productivity, speed to market and revenue, first in one area, then another — until the company is transformed.  

To help navigate this transformation, we offer a set of predictions covering the most important areas that demand your attention. These are based on real-world experience in helping our clients reinvent their business with AI, the transformation of our own firm with AI and PwC’s strategic alliances with leading tech companies in the AI ecosystem.   "

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  • 2x

    more likely to realize value from GenAI than other companies — top-performing companies highlight the benefits of making AI intrinsic to your business.

  • An effective AI strategy, designed to deliver value at scale this year, takes a portfolio approach.

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Bertrand Duperrin


"Le coût environnemental de l’IA "

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  • Premier constat : le volume réel des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de cette filière représenterait plus du double du volume estimé dans les études précédentes.
  • Le secteur de l’IA est très énergivore : chaque requête auprès d’un modèle d’IA serait 6 à 10 fois plus gourmande en électricité qu’une requête auprès d'un moteur de recherche comme Google.

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Bertrand Duperrin

The cognitive cost of AI - Fast Company

"I use GenAI tools multiple times a day to help with the three main categories of work I do: long-term strategy, fundraising, and team support. As useful as these tools are for me, I find myself creaking under the volume of bullet-point content that GenAI tools put out. The “mind tax” is highest in the areas where the cognitive work is highest and least repeatable: strategy development. If I ask GenAI a question about how best we should scale and improve our volunteer engagement strategy worldwide, it will list at least eight bullet points."

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Bertrand Duperrin

The Difference Between Objectives, Goals, and Business Outcomes - hr bartender

"I recently published an article about getting started with OKRs (objectives and key results). It occurred to me after sharing the article that we often use the terms goals and objectives interchangeably, when they really are different. At first glance, there might not be a big deal with using the words as synonyms. They’re all focused on achievement and results. But then, maybe it is important to differentiate them. Here are the definitions of each with an example:"

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • Objectives are a specific result you’re trying to achieve within a time frame and with available resources. Think of them as the steps you will take to achieve the goal. An example of an organization’s objective might be to “Call all existing customers in Q3 with a special promotion to increase sales.”. For an individual, an objective might be to “Research all relevant HR certifications and register to earn one before the end of the year.”
  • Goals are an observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved. Goals are typically broad in scope versus an objective which is very specific. For example, a goal might be for an organization to “increase profits”. Or an individual might have a goal to “become certified”. 

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Bertrand Duperrin

How to Create Value Systematically with Gen AI

"We can do better. Over the past 18 months, we’ve been working feverishly with enterprises to help them develop skills for effective gen AI collaboration. In this work, we’ve developed a simple tool — the generative AI value-creation pyramid. We’ve already seen it help many of our client organizations make significant progress in a short period of time."

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • Individual Improvements


    Research has shown that individuals can increase their capabilities in a relatively short period of time.

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