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Neil Movold's List: Leadership

  • Aug 23, 13

    "I had a chat with a CEO I work with who has had a challenging year scaling up his company. He – and the company – have made a lot of progress after hitting a low point this spring. After the call, he sent me the following note he has pasted on his desk.

    1. Lead by example by holding myself and all accountable, no matter how hard.
    2. Set the overall vision and strategy of the company and communicate it to all stakeholders.
    3. Recruit, hire, and retain the very best talent and inspire them.
    4. Makes sure there is always enough cash in the bank.
    5. Be the advocate for the customer over the company’s short-term needs.
    6. Drive the execution and evolve the operating system.
    7. Champion the company and our mission to the world."

    • Set the overall vision and strategy of the company and communicate it to all stakeholders.
    • Drive the execution and evolve the operating system.
  • Dec 17, 13

    "Here are 10 Leadership Lessons I wish I had learned in my 20's. While we all would benefit from a second bite of the apple, here are 10 that help me shape my future, not regret my past."

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