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Neil Movold's List: Cognitive Computing

  • Dec 13, 11

    Cognitive computing, as the new field is called, takes computing concepts to a whole new level.  Earlier this week, Dharmendra Modha, who works at IBM's Almaden Research Center, regaled a roomful of analysts with what cognitive computing can do and how IBM is going about making a machine that thinks the way we do.  His own blog on the subject is here.

    • The human brain integrates memory and processing together, weighs less than 3 lbs, occupies about a two-liter volume, and uses less power than a light bulb.  It operates as a massively parallel distributed processor.  It is event driven, that is, it reacts to things in its environment, uses little power when active and even less while resting.  It is a reconfigurable, fault-tolerant learning system.  It is excellent at pattern recognition and teasing out relationships.
    • A computer, on the other hand, has separate memory and processing.  It does its work sequentially for the most part and is run by a clock.  The clock, like a drum majorette in a military band, drives every instruction and piece of data to its next location — musical chairs with enough chairs.  As clock rates increase to drive data faster, power consumption goes up dramatically, and even at rest these machines need a lot of electricity.  More importantly, computers have to be programmed.  They are hard wired and fault prone.  They are good at executing defined algorithms and performing analytics.

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  • Mar 01, 12

    When I first heard of Zemanta, I thought of it as a great tool for bloggers, helping recommend links, content and images. And it does that quite well, helping some 80,000 active users.

    But after talking with Zemanta’s CTO and co-founder Andraz Tori, our conversation turned to the bigger picture of what New York-based Zemanta is doing. And it’s really in a similar vein as Apple’s Siri, IBM’s Watson and other services. We’re now entering the age of the smart personal assistant, as computers increasingly listen and understand what we’re saying and fulfill our requests and questions in real time.

  • Dec 22, 12

    "Today, we are at the dawn of another epochal shift in the evolution of technology. At IBM Research, we call it the era of cognitive systems.
    This is a big deal. The changes that are coming over the next 10 to 20 years—building on IBM’s Watson technology–will transform the way we live, work and learn, just as programmable computing has transformed the human landscape over the past 60+ years. You could even call this the post-computing era."

    • Notice, I don’t use the term “thinking machines.” That’s because I don’t want to suggest that cognitive systems will think like humans do. Rather, they will help us think and make better decisions.
  • Mar 18, 13

    "For more than half a century, computers have been little better than calculators with storage structures and programmable memory, a model that scientists have continually aimed to improve.
    Comparatively, the human brain—the world's most sophisticated computer—can perform complex tasks rapidly and accurately using the same amount of energy as a 20 watt light bulb in a space equivalent to a 2 liter soda bottle.
    Cognitive computing: thought for the future
    Making sense of real-time input flowing in at a dizzying rate is a Herculean task for today's computers, but would be natural for a brain-inspired system. Using advanced algorithms and silicon circuitry, cognitive computers learn through experiences, find correlations, create hypotheses, and remember—and learn from—the outcomes.
    For example, a cognitive computing system monitoring the world's water supply could contain a network of sensors and actuators that constantly record and report metrics such as temperature, pressure, wave height, acoustics and ocean tide, and issue tsunami warnings based on its decision making."

  • Dec 09, 13

    "The Semantic Web may have failed, but higher intelligence is coming to applications anyway, in another form: Cognition-as-a-Service (CaaS). And this may just be the next evolution of the operating system.

    CaaS will enable every app to become as smart as Siri in its own niche. CaaS powered apps will be able to think and interact with consumers like intelligent virtual assistants — they will be “cognitive apps.” You will be able to converse with cognitive apps, ask them questions, give them commands — and they will be able to help you complete tasks and manage your work more efficiently.

    For example your calendar will become a cognitive app — it will be able to intelligently interact with you to help you manage your time and scheduling like a personal assistant would — but the actual artificial intelligence that powers it will come from a third-party cloud based cognitive platform.

    Cognitive apps will not be as intelligent as humans anytime soon, and they probably will not be anything like the 20th century ideas of humanoid robots. But they’re going to be a lot smarter than the software of today."

  • Apr 27, 15

    "Cognitive computing systems can harness learnings and past experiences at an immense scale to solve soft problems—here's how"

    • Cognitive systems can make sense of data, weigh decisions and advise to reach a set goal, functioning as an intelligent assistant to its user.
    • Cognitive computing systems are the application of computing power to penetrate and analyze the complexity of Big Data in hopes of solving so-called soft problems—that is, problems that are layered and ambiguous in nature. These problems are usually ambiguous and uncertain with ever-changing sets of data and, most importantly, with no singularly correct answer.

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