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Jun Jie Tan's List: Genomics and Bioinformatics

    • Next month, about 5,500 first-year students will receive testing kits in the mail and be asked to submit DNA swabs to test three genes. The genes include those related to the ability to break down lactose, metabolize alcohol and absorb folates.
    • But the Center for Genetics and Society, a Berkeley public interest organization, and the Council for Responsible Genetics, which is based in Cambridge, Mass., say the project disregards the potential harmful use of the information.

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    • has discovered how one particular gene regulates epithelial cells cells that normally form in sheets and are polarized to enable the transport of molecules in a single direction. It's this loss of polarity that is thought to play an important role in breast tumor development.
    • By using mouse models, Muller discovered that the cells do not form neat structures when the gene malfunctions. "In fact, the first mouse model had a skin defect and was completely incapable of forming sheets of epithelial cells. This gene is frequently lost in breast cancer, significant proof that this gene might play an important role," he said.
    • Scientists report that breast cancer risk assessment models, which predict a woman's chance of developing breast cancer, do not perform better when they include common inherited genetic variants recently linked to the disease. Therefore, recommendations for breast cancer screening or treatments will remain unchanged for most women. The study, led by investigators from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health, appears in the March 18, 2010, New England Journal of Medicine.
    • "In the past three years, genome-wide association studies have identified multiple common genetic variants associated with breast cancer. The extent to which adding these variants to existing models could improve clinical recommendations had not been tested in a large population of women prior to this study," said Sholom Wacholder, Ph.D., senior investigator in NCI's Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG). "When we included these newly discovered genetic factors, we found some improvement in the performance of risk models for breast cancer, but it was not enough improvement to matter for the great majority of women."

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    • We used information on traditional risk factors and 10 common genetic variants associated with breast cancer in 5590 case subjects and 5998 control subjects, 50 to 79 years of age, from four U.S. cohort studies and one case–control study from Poland to fit models of the absolute risk of breast cancer. With the use of receiver-operating-characteristic curve analysis, we calculated the area under the curve (AUC) as a measure of discrimination. By definition, random classification of case and control subjects provides an AUC of 50%; perfect classification provides an AUC of 100%. We calculated the fraction of case subjects in quintiles of estimated absolute risk after the addition of genetic variants to the traditional risk model.
    • The inclusion of newly discovered genetic factors modestly improved the performance of risk models for breast cancer. The level of predicted breast-cancer risk among most women changed little after the addition of currently available genetic information.

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    • But when Amy Berrington de Gonzalez, D.Phil., and colleagues at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, looked at breast cancer mortality statistics in this group of women following five annual mammograms starting at various ages, they found a disturbing trend: far more cases of breast cancer developed than were expected.
    • It's also important to note that other researchers have questioned whether all women -- not only those with hereditary breast cancer -- are putting themselves at risk with yearly mammograms. For example, research published last fall showed that breast cancer rates soared after regular mammography was started in four Norwegian countries ( In addition, Samuel S. Epstein M.D., Professor Emeritus of Environmental Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, and his colleagues conducted a review of 47 scientific articles about mammography. Their article, "Dangers and Unreliability of Mammography: Breast Examination is a Safe, Effective, and Practical Alternative", published in the International Journal of Health Services (2001;31(3):605-15) concluded that mammogram screening carries many dangers, including induction and promotion of breast cancer, falsely positive and negative diagnosis of breast cancer, and over-diagnosis.
    • Formed in 2008, the consortium brings together leading cancer researchers from around the world, working together to catalogue the genetic changes of the 50 most common cancers - 500 genomes from each cancer type - and make the results freely available on the internet. 
    • "Given the tremendous potential for relatively low-cost genomic sequencing to reveal clinically useful information, we anticipate that in the not so distant future, partial or full cancer genomes will routinely be sequenced as part of the clinical evaluation of cancer patients," say the authors in the paper.

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    • A case in point is breast cancer. In this issue of the Journal, Wacholder et al.3 report that when 10 recently identified SNPs that have been associated with breast cancer were added to the Gail model, a commonly used tool to assess the risk of breast cancer, discrimination and prediction in estimating risk were only moderately improved. The Gail model is based on self-reported risk factors (age at menarche, number of breast biopsies, age at birth of the first child, and family history of breast cancer). The authors conclude that the clinical usefulness of common genetic variants for identifying women at increased risk for breast cancer is, at present, still negligible. Intriguingly, however, Wacholder et al. also found that a model with the 10 SNPs alone performed just as well as the Gail model in predicting the development of breast cancer. The addition of the SNP data to the Gail model almost doubled its discriminatory power, which was expressed as the area under the receiver-operating-characteristic curve (AUC); the AUC was calculated to be 61.8% in the final combined model. The authors correctly conclude that such an AUC is still far too low for application in clinical settings, but in admitting so, they also implicitly dismiss the pure Gail model for this purpose.
    • Their disappointment seems a little premature, however. The 10 SNPs analyzed by Wacholder et al. occur frequently in women, but each confers only slightly elevated risks of breast cancer (with odds ratios of 1.05 to 1.25). A positive family history is one of the major risk factors for breast cancer; on average, it almost doubles the risk.4 Rare high-risk variants, such as those in the breast-cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, account for about 25% of this familial risk. In contrast, the 10 common breast-cancer SNPs account for less than 5% of the familial risk.4 Depending on the relative risk per allele, several hundred to more than 1000 of such SNPs are required to account for the doubling of the relative risk in a sister of a woman with breast cancer.2 Clearly, the 10 SNPs assessed by Wacholder et al. are no more than the tip of the iceberg. A more pressing question is why, after the completion of several genomewide association studies of breast cancer, only a dozen risk alleles have been identified.

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    • Boston (DbTechNo) - Results of a new study show that genetic tests can not predict who is most likely to develop breast cancer in their lifetime.
    • Researchers compared the traditional method of asking women a series of health questions to gain an understanding of their past history, to genetic tests to check for the likelyhood of breast cancer.

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    • Women with breast cancer before age 55 who carry an inherited mutation in the breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 are four times more likely to develop cancer in the breast opposite, or contralateral, to their initial tumor as compared to breast cancer patients without these genetic defects. These findings, by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center breast cancer epidemiologist Kathleen Malone, Ph.D., and colleagues, were published online April 5 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
    • Compared to non-carriers, breast cancer patients with a BRCA1 mutation had a 4.5-fold increased risk and those with a BRCA2 mutation had a 3.4-fold increased risk of a subsequent contralateral breast cancer, the researchers found. Carriers of either mutation who were diagnosed with breast cancer before age 55 faced an 18 percent cumulative probability of developing cancer in the opposite breast within 10 years as compared to a 5 percent cumulative probability among women who were mutation-free.

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    • My analysis revealed that 10,079 SNPs were contained within the regions where my brothers and I share diplotypes. Of these 10,079 SNPs, only 86 of them had any genotyping errors!
    • This means that the genotyping calling was 99.15% accurate for these regions. Moreover, of the errors recorded, 79 of them occurred when there was a genotype call for some of the siblings and a null call (–) for others. Only 7 errors occurred where there was inconsistency in the genotype assigned to the siblings. The results are summarized in the table to the left.

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    • The best-known epigenetic marker is DNA methylation. The initial finding of global hypomethylation of DNA in human tumors5 was soon followed by the identification of hypermethylated tumor-suppressor genes,6,7,8,9,10,11 and then, more recently, the discovery of inactivation of microRNA (miRNA) genes by DNA methylation.12,13 These and other demonstrations of how epigenetic changes can modify gene expression have led to human epigenome projects14 and epigenetic therapies.15 Moreover, we now know that DNA methylation occurs in a complex chromatin network and is influenced by the modifications in histone structure that are commonly disrupted in cancer cells.16,17,18,19
    • DNA methylation has critical roles in the control of gene activity and the architecture of the nucleus of the cell. In humans, DNA methylation occurs in cytosines that precede guanines; these are called dinucleotide CpGs.26,27 CpG sites are not randomly distributed in the genome; instead, there are CpG-rich regions known as CpG islands, which span the 5' end of the regulatory region of many genes. These islands are usually not methylated in normal cells.26,27 The methylation of particular subgroups of promoter CpG islands can, however, be detected in normal tissues.

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    • Physicians have long recognized that pinpointing specific causes of disease in individual patients enables therapies that are the most likely to confer benefit with the fewest adverse effects. We also recognize the potential for disease prevention through identification of specific risk factors and mitigation of their effects. For a century, we have known that many of these risk factors are genetic. In the past 20 years, the genomic revolution has translated this knowledge into a new understanding of disease: mutations that cause more than 2000 mendelian diseases have been identified, which has led to the rewriting of textbooks of pathophysiology of every organ system and the identification of rational targets for therapeutic intervention. Genes also play a major role in risk for virtually every common disease, affording the possibility of identifying persons who have a specific inherited predisposition.
    • In this issue of the Journal, Lupski and colleagues report on their study that shows the power of this new technology.4 They used whole-genome sequencing to make a specific diagnosis in a family in which four siblings were affected by Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, a peripheral polyneuropathy. Mutations in 31 known genes and additional unidentified loci can produce Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease. The investigators produced nearly 90 billion base pairs of genomic sequence in one affected subject (sufficient to ensure that both alleles at nearly every base pair have been sampled repeatedly) and identified variations from the reference sequence. As expected, they found a large number of common and novel variants. When they examined genes known to be mutated in patients with Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, they found two compelling mutations in SH3TC2 (the SH3 domain and tetratricopeptide repeats 2 gene), which causes autosomal recessive Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease. They also found complete cosegregation of these mutations with disease status in the family, providing convincing evidence that these SH3TC2 mutations are the cause of Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease in this family.

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    • Nowhere is this transformation more apparent than in oncology. Cancer is a complex disease. Our current taxonomy of cancers, which is based mostly on histopathology, includes more than 200 distinct entities arising from diverse types of cells. In addition, tumors have somatic mutations and epigenetic changes, many of which are specific to individual neoplasms; these molecular abnormalities influence the expression of genes that control a tumor's growth, invasiveness, metastatic potential, and responsiveness or resistance to chemotherapy. The genetic complexity of cancer probably explains the clinical diversity of histologically similar tumors, but it has been difficult to study this diversity with traditional methods, which are best suited to investigating one gene at a time. The advent of DNA microarray technology, however, permits the quantitative measurement of complex, multigene expression patterns in cancer.
    • Microarrays are wonderful tools for discovery, allowing researchers to obtain unbiased surveys of gene expression in tissue samples, but some have questioned their direct clinical application for individualized diagnosis and treatment planning. Microarrays have an appreciable failure rate and occasionally show significant interreplicate and interbatch variability in measurement. A second concern is that in a single sample, microarrays measure thousands of variables, most of which are irrelevant to the clinical end point under investigation. Complex statistical and computational tools are thus required to extract informative patterns from raw microarray data. Current technology also requires snap-frozen tissue for microarray-based gene-expression profiling. It is usually possible for established tumor banks to provide small frozen specimens for the initial discovery of clinically useful gene-expression profiles, but validation studies are often limited by the availability of tissue, since tumor specimens are generally fixed in formalin rather than frozen. These limitations pose considerable obstacles to the routine use of microarrays in the clinical laboratory, where tests must be highly reliable and easy to interpret.

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    • If genetics has been misunderstood, genomics is even more mysterious — what, exactly, is the difference? Genetics is the study of single genes and their effects. "Genomics,"4 a term coined only 15 years ago, is the study not just of single genes, but of the functions and interactions of all the genes in the genome. Genomics has a broader and more ambitious reach than does genetics. The science of genomics rests on direct experimental access to the entire genome and applies to common conditions, such as breast cancer5 and colorectal cancer,6 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection,7 tuberculosis,8 Parkinson's disease,9 and Alzheimer's disease.10 These common disorders are also all due to the interactions of multiple genes and environmental factors. They are thus known as multifactorial disorders. Genetic variations in these disorders may have a protective or a pathologic role in the expression of diseases.
    • Mutations can also decrease the risk of a disease. One example of this is a 32-bp deletion (a frame shift) in a chemokine receptor gene, CCR5. Persons who are homozygous for this deletion prove almost completely resistant to infection with HIV type 1, and those who are heterozygous for the deletion have slower progression from infection to AIDS. These effects arise because CCR5 is an important part of the mechanism by which HIV enters the cell.25

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    • But such premature attempts at popularizing genetic testing seem to neglect key aspects of the established multifaceted evaluation of genetic tests for clinical applications. First, there is the question of a test's analytic validity, "its ability to accurately and reliably measure the genotype of interest."1 Although appropriate monitoring and oversight of the analytic validity of genetic tests remain largely unaddressed,2 most researchers report that the analytic validity of these platforms is very high. It is likely that sample-handling errors are a greater threat to the validity of results than are genotypic misclassification errors. Yet even very small error rates per SNP, magnified across the genome, can result in hundreds of misclassified variants for any individual patient. Without transparent quality-control monitoring and proficiency testing, the real-world performance of these platforms is uncertain.
    • Second, one must consider clinical validity, or the ability of the test to detect or predict the associated disorder.1 Components of clinical validity include the test's sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive value. This is the area in which the data are in the greatest flux, and even the ardent proponents of genomic susceptibility testing would agree that for most diseases, we are still at the early stages of identifying the full list of susceptibility-associated variants. Most of the diseases listed by the direct-to-consumer testing companies (e.g., diabetes, various cancers, and heart disease) are so-called complex diseases thought to be caused by multiple gene variants, interactions among these variants, and interactions between variants and environmental factors. Thus, a full accounting of disease susceptibility awaits the identification of these multiple variants and their interactions in well-designed studies. What we have now is recognition of a limited number of variants associated with relative risks of diseases on the order of 1.5 or lower. Risk factors with this level of relative risk clearly do a poor job of distinguishing people who will develop these diseases from those who will not.3,4

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