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faimone Björn's List: lessons-learned

  • Jul 26, 08

    If You Have a Problem, Ask Everyone

    that “the further the problem was from the solver’s expertise, the more likely they were to solve it,” often by applying specialized knowledge or instruments developed for another purpose.

    • If You Have a Problem, Ask Everyone
    • The chemist and the institute came together through InnoCentive, a company that links organizations (seekers) with problems (challenges) to people all over the world (solvers) who win cash prizes for resolving them

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  • Jul 27, 08

    # eine Vorlesung, als wäre es die letzte ihres Lebens

    # Fast alle Träume verwirklicht

    # Rückschläge erinnern dich daran, was du wirklich willst

    # Sei geduldig mit anderen, irgendwann werden sie dich überraschen und beeindrucken.

    # Ich bin nicht so deprimiert, wie ich sein sollte"

    # ramatische Bekehrung auf dem Todesbett erlebt: "Ich habe mir einen Apple Computer gekauft."

    # Entspannt euch einfach.

    • eine Vorlesung, als wäre es die letzte ihres Lebens
    • Fast alle Träume verwirklicht

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  • Jul 27, 08

    People want to have an interesting work, improve things (-> give them the responsibility to do it in your company insteadt building a new one).
    people are lonely and enjoy beeing together, working for a big vision -> create vision that bounds people together

    • Reasons for Starting a Company
    • s to "fix" something and should instead start a business to fulfill this need as opposed to fixing the problem internally

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  • Jul 30, 08

    1. Test you Service first (no doubt that they´ve done it)
    2. don´t underestimates the speed of your growth -> decide whether you want to risk a too fast growth coming along with a black out with your service or if it´s better to make your service public step by step

    • everyone realized that it was selling a bill of goods. This was entirely the company’s own fault. It pre-briefed every blogger and tech journalist on the planet, but didn’t allow anyone to actually test the search engine before the launch.
      • ine viel zu breite Produktpalette,
      • Konkurrenz durch Videospiele und Billigprodukte aus China,
      • schlechtes Innovationsmanagement und
      • eine schlecht organisierte Wertschöpfungskette.
    • Lego hatte über 11.000 Zulieferer – fast doppelt so viele wie Boeing.

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  • Aug 15, 08

    don´t listen to the critics. Try new things and combine it with the success stories of your industry

    • Gerd Gigerenzer
    • Bauchentscheidungen“

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