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Diane Court's List: Collab - Crossing silos

  • Mar 27, 12

    Here are some facts to help frame the journey based on the IBM Global CMO Study, a recent survey of more than 1,700 CMOs spanning 19 industries and 64 countries:

    71% feel unprepared to deal with the data explosion.
    68% feel unprepared to deal with social media.
    65% feel unprepared to deal with growth in channel and device choices.
    49% report that collaboration with their C-suite partners will be a primary contributor to their future success.

    1. Information is being generated, stored, retrieved and analyzed, and is driving business development at a similarly unprecedented pace. In particular, unstructured data (images and video, for example) is exploding in volume and is delivering commensurate value to enterprise strategies. And applications increasingly are location-aware, routinely accessing the user's geospatial coordinates to customize functions and generate actionable insights.

    2.Consumerization is fueling a fusion of business and personal devices with information that clearly is driving the reinvention of enterprises based on new, highly customer-focused and global business models. We are at an inflection point -- a place where the holy grail of "anything, anyplace, at anytime" more and more is becoming our daily reality.
    3. According to the American Marketing Association, "Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large."

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