Premium Account Bertrand Duperrin

Member since May 05, 2008, follows 48 people, 2 public groups, 4885 public bookmarks (4917 total).

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Recent Bookmarks and Annotations

  • 2024 Global Human Capital Trends on Feb 27, 24
  • How Financial Accounting Screws Up HR on Feb 25, 24
    • ompanies obsess over cost per hire but spend so little time trying to see if they make good hires? Why do they provide so little training when we know it improves performance and many candidates say they’d take a pay cut to get it? Why do firms delay filling vacancies and let work go undone? Why do they spend so much money leasing personnel from vendors rather than hiring their own?
    • they’re categorized as a current expense, a type of fixed cost

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  • Rethink Your Employee Value Proposition on Feb 25, 24
    • Material offerings include compensation, physical office space, location, commuting subsidies, computer equipment, flexibility, schedules, and perks

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  • Workplace automation and the future of work | UNLEASH on Jan 19, 23
    • Workplace automation is the act of applying systems and processes to supplant repetitive manual effort, thereby improving efficiency, reducing stress and bolstering employee satisfaction
    • People like familiarity, they like to know what their job is and what their day looks like. But when you’re able to remove a burdensome aspect of that job, you see a boost in productivity and performance.

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  • 12 possible indicators of a dysfunctional workspace | HRZone on Jan 19, 23
      • Inclusion and diversity aren’t prioritised
      • Boundaries and work/life balance aren’t respected 
      • High stress levels and absenteeism rates
      • Rapid staff turnover
      • Lack of opportunities and personal development
      • Lack of transparency and communication
      • A cold, stagnant atmosphere
      • Good work goes unrewarded
      • A lack of trust
      • Discrimination, prejudice and bias
      • Employee unrest
      • Listen to your gut
  • Our status with tech at work: It’s complicated: October 2018 on Jan 19, 23
  • Hierarchy and Network: Two Structures, One Organization on Jan 19, 23
    • It can direct and coordinate the actions of thousands of people making and selling thousands of products or services across thousands of miles, and do so effectively, efficiently, and profitably, week after week after week.
    • capital “H” Hierarchy (a sort of hardware) and the managerial processes that run on it (a sort of software) do not handle transformation well.

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  • Leverage John Kotter's 'Dual Operating System' To Accelerate Change In Large Organizations on Jan 19, 23
    • Essentially what the general manager had done was to set up a dual operating system. The left, hierarchical side continued to manage the base business and grow it steadily with safe, evolutionary innovation (See article on evolutionary versus revolutionary innovation). At the same time, the second network of opportunity-driven volunteers who wouldn’t take no for an answer were freed up to experiment and try completely new things and new ways of taking them to market.
      • Many people driving important change, and from everywhere, not just the usual few appointees.
      • A “get-to” mindset, not a “have-to” one.
      • Action that is head and heart driven, not just head driven.
      • Much more leadership, not just more management.
      • An inseparable partnership between the hierarchy and the network, not just an enhanced hierarchy.

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  • Usbek & Rica - Team building et baby-foot : quand le recours au jeu se retourne contre les salariés on Jan 17, 23
    • Les coopérations horizontales (entre pairs) ont été laminées par des logiques d’évaluation individuelle qui mettent les gens en concurrence.
    • Quant à la coopération transverse (avec les bénéficiaires du travail), elle est très dégradée : souvent, on ment aux clients dans les centres d’appels pour améliorer ses propres résultats… Au final, les gens ne travaillent plus ensemble car ils ne peuvent plus ou ne veulent plus

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  • Performance Management Shouldn’t Kill Collaboration on Jan 17, 23
    • Key performance indicators aren’t focused on customer satisfactio
    • Incentives for collaboration are piecemeal

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