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Something that happens to me frequently ...

Something that happens to me frequently in conversation with western Christians:

Them: “Oh, you’re a Christian from India? Tell me about how you became a Christian!”

Me: “My family has actually been Christian for nearly 2000 years because of St. Thomas

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JanieH | sharing zine library love and expertise

Did you know there's an entire website for keeping up with news about zines in libraries? I've been posting for years on about new zine collections, zine librarians doing cool stuff, and events to bring zine librarians together. #

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It is and this is the story of Flora Ma...

It is #InternationalWomensDay and this is the story of Flora MacDonald!

Born in Nova Scotia on June 3, 1926, she worked on the election campaigns of Robert Stanfield in 1956, and John Diefenbaker's in 1957 & 1958. In 1959, she worked in the office of

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THE ESSENTIAL A&E PICKS FOR MAR 7 - 13 | Entertainment Picks | Salt Lake City Weekly

Don’t miss @samdaleyharris at Salt Lake City Public Library (Downtown) tomorrow, Thursday 3/7
at 6:00 pm!

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Sam Daley-Harris | Reclaiming Our Democracy | The King's English Bookshop

Care about effective organizational advocacy? Don't miss @samdaleyharris at @SLCPL (downtown) this Thursday, 6:00. Details: @EqualityUtah @betterutah @acluutah @utculture @1UtahProject @utchildren @myuea @UtahLibraries @UELMA_Utah

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by by We are ... by @EveryLibrary by @ELInstituteNFP
We are continuing to add more content on each platform such as new blog posts, new partnerships and collaborations, and new training materials.

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As PM, Brian Mulroney led the effort wit...

As PM, Brian Mulroney led the effort within the British Commonwealth to sanction South Africa for apartheid.
When Nelson Mandela was released on Feb. 11, 1990, one of his first calls was to Brian Mulroney to thank him.
On June 18, 1990, Mandela came to C

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YIPPEE! Can FINALLY talk about our new ...

YIPPEE! Can FINALLY talk about our new @Scholastic series:


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Brian Mulroney loved Canada. I’m devasta...

Brian Mulroney loved Canada. I’m devastated to learn of his passing.

He never stopped working for Canadians, and he always sought to make this country an even better place to call home. I’ll never forget the insights he shared with me over the years – h

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Brian Mulroney was one of our most envir...

Brian Mulroney was one of our most environmentally-friendly Prime Ministers.

As PM he:
- Secured a treaty with the USA on acid rain
- Made Canada the first industrialized nation to ratify a Convention on Biological Diversity
- Passed the Environmental As

Shared by JanieH , 1 save total

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