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David Leonhardt

A Scribe’s Musings: Cursive writing a curse or blessing?

Writing cursively causes the brain to develop neural pathways and to regularly reinforce them, making your brain quickly process the information coming in from your ears and eyes, creating a better listener as you make notes by hearing or reading, then forming whole words and sentences, constructed to convey a concept.

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David Leonhardt

Paper books vs. e-readers: What's better for the climate? : NPR

The article does not even address the question of sharing a book with a friend, then donating to a thrift store to continue its life.

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David Leonhardt

Tip sheet: Breaking into ghostwriting books

Many freelance health care journalists are interested in writing books, and one way of tapping this market is to work with an author as a ghostwriter or collaborator. You write the book — and get a nice fee — and the author/expert gets most of the glory. Busy writers can make more than $100,000 annually.

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David Leonhardt

How nonfiction authors can tell powerful stories

Not every book can be a thriller or a heartbreaker. But yours can. It is a superb way to stand out from the crowd – to produce a book that stands head and shoulders above other books in your field. Keep them reading, pull at their emotions, and your book is more likely to make its point.

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David Leonhardt

National Library Lovers Month 2024 (and Library Lovers Day) - THGM Writing Services

February 14 is Valentines Day, the day for lovers. But it is also a very special day for library lovers, too. And by that I don’t mean people who get cheeky under desks and between the stacks.

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David Leonhardt

How Short 'Bursts' of Tutoring Can Boost Early Reading Skills

Bite-sized tutoring sessions—only 5 to 10 minutes daily—may help nip reading struggles in the bud in the earliest grades.

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David Leonhardt

The ethics of ghostwriting in fiction

Ghostwriting is not new, and Millie Bobby Brown is not the first celebrity to hire a ghostwriter. But, soon after she published her book, she came under fire for using one.

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David Leonhardt

500+ quotes about writing, books and being a writer

Nothing inspires a writer more than really good writing. Except, of course, really good motivational quotes about writing and books.

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David Leonhardt

Best Writing Advice

When things get bad, and if they haven't yet, they will, what do you do for inspiration? How do you wade through the muck?

For me, I go back to the single best piece of writing advice I've ever heard.

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