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Bertrand Duperrin

IA générative : "Notre enjeu numéro un, c'est le passage à l'échelle", Jean-Philippe Faure, DSI Eiffage

"Jean-Philippe Faure est directeur des systèmes d'information du groupe Eiffage. Il revient en détail sur le partenariat stratégique du géant du BTP avec Google Cloud pour développer et mettre en œuvre des cas d'usage autour de l'intelligence artificielle au sein des différentes branches de l'entreprise."

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 2 saves total

  • Il faut rappeler qu'historiquement nous avons une politique d'ERP unique, ce qui fait que nous avons un ERP Finance, un ERP RH, un ERP Matériel, etc.
  • Notre enjeu numéro un, c'est le passage à l'échelle. Parce que très souvent nous faisons un "IA day" ou un "Data day" avec 600 à 700 projets qui sortent et il est très difficile après, dans la gouvernance, de les arbitrer, de les prioriser

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Bertrand Duperrin

Anaplan CEO: How decision excellence drives enterprise performance | McKinsey

"Over the years, as the pace of business and the amount of information have grown exponentially, connected planning has evolved to include extensive, dynamic scenario planning, enabling what CEO Charlie Gottdiener calls the “connected enterprise”—an organization in which employees spend most of the time “making decisions and iterating scenarios to make the best decisions.”"

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  • In our research, we found a very strong connection between making great decisions, or what we call decision excellence, and performance.
  • We define decision excellence as the velocity, quality, and efficiency of decision making

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Bertrand Duperrin

Design Your Organization to Serve Customers Well | Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog

"In the first part of this part of the seminar Bill talks about the value of talking to those in your organization that take what you produce (a product or service) and use that in their work as your organization continues to work to deliver to the “end users” (final customers). This seems so simple and unlikely to provide value but it is surprising how often what one part of the organization believes are the most important aspects of their output to others is not actually accurate."

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • The focus is on continual never ending improvement. This is a much different mindset than focusing on what is most broken right now and how can we put in place some band-aid to allow things to keep working as they have but stop the visible issue as quickly as possible.

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Bertrand Duperrin

Netflix Culture Memo: How the updated 2024 version differs - Fast Company


In 2009, Netflix revolutionized corporate culture with its famous 175-slide culture deck, a transparent manifesto that laid the foundation for the company’s vision of work, success, and collaboration. 

The memo, developed by Reed Hastings and Patty McCord, was embraced across the tech sector and soon mirrored in different versions by other leading companies, including Zappos, Hubspot, Facebook, Spotify, Hootsuite, and others.

It was cited as a new framework for HR and coined the concept of “brilliant jerks,” and why they should be ferreted out of leadership roles.

When I first read the culture manifesto after its release I was struck by its clarity—particularly as a tool to both attract the right talent and repel the rest. 

Over my career, I’ve worked with various companies, CEOs, and chief people officers who leaned on Netflix’s Culture Manifesto as a foundational reference when developing their own culture statements and organizational values. A lot has changed since its release in 2009, so I was curious to see how it would evolve. 

Fast-forward to this week, and Netflix has released an updated version of this pivotal document, reaffirming its commitment to an innovative and dynamic workplace ethos. 

This reboot, known as the Netflix Culture Memo, encapsulates the evolution of Netflix’s principles while maintaining the core values that have driven its success. Here are some of the key aspects of this refreshed manifesto and how they reflect the current business environment:"

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • “We aim only to have high performers at Netflix—people who are great at what they do, and even better at working together.” 
  • The original manifesto was a public pushback on the notion that employers are families

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Bertrand Duperrin

Gartner findings on maximizing the business value of technology

"One of the hottest selling points for HR tech adoption might be missing the mark, according to recent research. Many analysts have touted the benefits of AI and automation to increase HR’s capacity for strategic work, but fresh insights from Gartner reveal that relying only on this approach for AI adoption strategy can inadvertently restrict the business value of technology"

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • A Gartner survey of 85 HR leaders conducted in February revealed that only 35% are confident their current approach to HR technology aligns with achieving business objectives

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Bertrand Duperrin

Winning with transformational change | McKinsey

"Successful organizations move a transformation from ambition to action. Here’s what it takes."

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Bertrand Duperrin

L’IA sera-t-elle à court de données publiques dans les années à venir ? - IT SOCIAL

"Une étude scientifique de Cornell University met en garde contre une pénurie de données humaines publiques pour alimenter les LLM entre 2026 et 2032. Voire plus tôt si ces modèles sont surentraînés. L’étude explore des solutions comme l'apprentissage à partir de sources plus ciblées et l'amélioration de l'efficacité des données utilisées."

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • Des milliers de milliards de tokens -à savoir un mot ou partie de mot- sont utilisés pour entraîner le LLM de ChatGPT 4. L’IA générative de Meta, LLama 3 aurait nécessité 15.000 milliards de Tokens. Les ordres de grandeur du volume de données entrantes sont tout aussi colossaux pour les autres LLM telles Claude d’Antropic, Gemini de Google et autres IAGen.

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Bertrand Duperrin

Generative AI adoption and implementation challenges within organisations - simplycommunicate

"As included in Simply, a Gallagher Company’s recently published whitepaper on bringing generative AI tools into the workplace and the role of the strategic communications professional in raising trust and innovation levels within the workforce, this focuses on what communicators believe the biggest challenges will be using AI in the workplace and getting employees to use the technology willingly and ethically.  "

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Bertrand Duperrin

The New EU AI Act: A game changer for HR? | UNLEASH

"The AI Act’s potential to transform HR initiatives within organizations is profound.

Here are key areas where the directive intersects with HR objectives:"

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • For HR leaders, this means ensuring AI tools used within their organizations comply with the directive’s requirements for data quality and bias mitigation.


    AI can detect and address biases in hiring practices, compensation structures, and performance evaluations, prompting human oversight to correct disparities.

  • AI-powered recruitment tools can significantly enhance the diversity of candidate pools.


    The AI Act’s transparency requirements mean AI systems must clearly communicate their functioning, helping remove biases from the hiring process.

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Bertrand Duperrin

IA : les professionnels de l'IT s’interrogent sur la qualité des données, la confidentialité et la sécurité - IT SOCIAL

"Face à la vague de l’intelligence artificielle, les acteurs du numériques dans les entreprises sont favorables à son adoption mais pointent les craintes concernant la sécurité, les données et l’infrastructure des bases de données. Solarwinds a questionné des cadres du secteur IT dans les entreprises de toutes tailles dont plus de la moitié sont issues du secteur technologique. Beaucoup de répondants doutent de la capacité de leur organisation à intégrer l'IA."

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • Alors que 90 % des répondants l’utilisent pour divers usages, des réserves sont formulées sur la capacité de l’infrastructure à prendre en charge l’intelligence artificielle.
  • A noter, plus d'un tiers des personnes interrogées (38 %) disent que leur entreprise utilisait déjà l'IA pour rendre les opérations plus efficaces. Avant donc l’irruption de ChatGPT dans le champ économique et médiatique en novembre 2022.

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