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Anne Thorp
  • The answer is personalized chatbots.
  • AI-powered chat systems that draw from only the content the user provides them

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Anne Thorp
  • The primary purpose of a syllabus worksheet is to provide students with a clear and concise overview of the course essentials.
    • This includes crucial information, such as

      • deadlines;
      • required materials;
      • assignment expectations;
      • late policies;
      • grading schemes; and
      • instructor’s contact details.

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Anne Thorp
  • A single experience isn’t the same for everyone. Although individuals may be on the same team or enrolled in the same class, they are traveling on different paths and have different goals.
  • The right tools are essential for success, but they aren’t the same for everyone.

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Anne Thorp
  • We need to be open and honest and transparent if we’re using AI,
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