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Phillip Long

Global Data Consortium: Artificial Intelligence’s Essential Role in the Future of Universities

Postsecondary education faces persistent and increasing challenges reflected in stagnant completion rates, concerning equity gaps, soaring costs, gaps between skills required by graduates for successful employment and skills developed in the education system, and the need to respond to new technologies. At the same time, there are pressing concerns related to the transformative impact of AI on teaching and learning practice. While a few institutions are grappling with this emerging technology, the majority of colleges and universities are currently peripheral to the AI conversation

However, much of the education data is unstructured and scattered, resulting in missed opportunities to create AI products that are tailored to the specific needs of education. The American Council on Education is establishing the GDC to directly respond to this challenge. The GDC enables institutions to innovate and position universities globally as central agents for advancing AI technologies in education. By fostering a collaborative ecosystem, this consortium will harness the collective expertise and resources to drive breakthroughs in AI research and its application in postsecondary education.

Universities currently have a limited and peripheral role in the evolution and deployment of AI. A data consortium will enable sharing of data, capabilities, models, and expertise and can be transformative in postsecondary education. T his consortium will push postsecondary education to the forefront of the conversation and accelerate AI-supported educational technology. This collaborative approach advances the AI development process and ensures that the products are highly tailored to enhance educational outcomes.

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Alexandre Garcia

L’archivage du courrier électronique - conférence de Peter Chan à l'École national des chartes

Cette présentation en anglais explore les défis complexes de l'archivage du courrier électronique dans le domaine du patrimoine culturel, abordant des questions clés telles que la collecte des boîtes mail, le problème de l'obsolescence numérique, la dégradation des liens et la disparition des contenus en ligne, le filtrage des contenus sensibles, et l’amélioration de l’accès aux courriels archivés.

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