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Brett Boessen
  • the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
  • the nature of the copyrighted work

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Brett Boessen

As a former High School Jud Fry, I totes...

As a former High School Jud Fry, I totes wanna see this production! I support all these delightful Trans kids in “Oklahoma" in Texas! Bring it to broadway!

Shared by Brett Boessen, 1 save total

Brett Boessen
@rainnwilson If you come to Sherman, I'll take you out for dinner. I live a couple miles from the school and my daughter is a sophomore. It's an official invite!
Brett Boessen

Beyond 'Bandersnatch,' the future of interactive TV is bright

"not as just the future of entertainment, but as the expansion of a standard method of storytelling that game designers have been using for decades"

Shared by Brett Boessen, Brett Boessen added annotation, 3 saves total

  • not as just the future of entertainment, but as the expansion of a standard method of storytelling that game designers have been using for decades
  • Role-playing games let players pick characters with multiple traits, such as strength, health and special skills, and work together to achieve story-driven goals

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Brett Boessen
  • Equivocation exploits the ambiguity of language by changing the meaning of a word during the course of an argument and using the different meanings to support some conclusion
  • assumes a cause for an event where there is no evidence that one exists

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Brett Boessen
Lol I have one correct pick on my #Oscars checklist. Not doing great
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