I update this portion of my E-Learning blog whenever I come across promising online work. ~ Dennis
"Information Fluency Newsletter!
Subscribe to our email newsletter and receive periodic updates about 21CIF including professional development opportunities and new resources."
A list for online adjunct instructors to share job opportunity locations and information.
I update this portion of my E-Learning blog whenever I come across promising online work. ~ Dennis
Useful listings for e-learning jobs!
Please note that this service is provided by the Department of Instructional Systems Technology in the School of Education at Indiana University Bloomington. Anyone can post job announcements here, but we review those job announcements before posting them to this Web site. We reject those job descriptions which appear to be unrelated to instructional technology.
At least one of the sites listed as a hoax is legitimate! This poses a great evaluation challenge.
Earn graduate credits via online courses and meet your professional development goals to be certified as highly qualified in the area of e-learning instruction and training.
Candidates who complete the five-course graduate certificate will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to effectively teach or train online and serve as leaders in distance learning initiatives.
I invite any Diigo users to join our program!
from Educators' eZine --> Introduction and Background:Bloom's TaxonomyIn the 1950's Benjamin Bloom developed his taxonomy of cognitive objectives, Bloom's
Links to jobs at WTC colleges. Some will be online. Most will be traditional positions, perhaps with hybrid elements.
64 items | 29 visits
E-learning tools, ideas, resources from the UW-Stout E-learning for Educators online class: Spring 2009
Updated on Oct 30, 14
Created on Mar 22, 09
Category: Schools & Education