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william doust's List: Socially Excluded Funding for Adult Ed

  • Nov 16, 09

    "€1 billion available for actions under Grudtvig programme. Call for proposals

    First deadline: January 16th 2010

    Part of the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig aims to increase participation in adult education, improve co-operation between adult education organisations, and ensure that the socially excluded have access to education - especially those who left education without basic qualifications.

    Grundtvig supports the following actions:

    * Visits, placements, adult education exchanges and preparation visits needed to plan exchanges
    * Learning Partnerships
    * Multilateral projects for improving adult education systems through development and transfer of innovation and good practice
    * Networks of experts and organisations developing adult education spreading good practice and supporting partnerships

    Multilateral projects, Networks, and Accompanying measures are financed directly by the Commission.

    The first deadline for proposals for Grundtvig actions is January 16th 2010. See the full call for proposals.

    All other actions are financed (in the UK) via Ecotec. See the Ecotec guidance on how to apply for Grundtvig funding.

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