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YooMin Cha's List: GPS Technology

  • Apr 05, 10

    I found this website using and I used the search string 'GPS +how does it work'. This website has a good explanation on how GPS works and will be useful in doing my research project. The author Marshall Brain has been featured in National Geographic and New York Times so I believe the information to be credible. This was published in 2006 but the information is still relevant to my topic.

  • Apr 05, 10

    I used GALE to look up information on how GPS could be used in the aviation business and I found this by using the search GPS and Aviation. This article is very recent and ties in with how GPS technology and why this technology is important to aviation.

  • Apr 05, 10

    I used EBSCO to look up 'GPS technology +Aviation +safety' and found this website that links a pdf to article about why GPS technology should replace radar technology that is currently still being used by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). I chose this article because it contains good detailed information on my research question. It explains how GPS technology is used in aviation and why it would be a improvement versus the old system.

  • Apr 05, 10

    I used google to look the search string FAA +gps and found a good article on a writer's experience flying on a plane equipped with GPS. The article was written in 2007 so the information is still relatively new and provides good insight on how GPS is useful to the FAA. It is published by and I believe they are a well established magazine that has been in business for several years.

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