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Julie Niles Petersen's List: Especially for Parents

    • Hart & Risley wanted to know if one could predict how well a child would do in school from what was happening in the home between parent and child. They wanted to know if the vocabulary size of the three-year-olds could predict the measures of language skill for them when they were nine and ten years old. It did! (See the synopsis for more details).
    • I strongly advocate for reaching the parents who are not reading to their children or bathing them in language. We need to stress the importance of these early years and explicitly model good literacy building activities in the home. We also need to remind them to use more words of encouragement rather than words of discouragement. Our children need to come to school with an “I think I can” attitude–not “I think I can’t.”
  • Sep 16, 11

    From page 2, "The team found that when reading a book with their children parents used a more active communication style, bringing the child into contact with words they may not hear in every day speech, thereby improving their vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. In contrast watching TV resulted in significantly fewer descriptions and positive responses than mothers playing with toys."

    • Since the first television screens lit up our living rooms scientists have been studying its affect on young children. Now scientists in Ohio have compared mother-child communication while watching TV to reading books or playing with Toys to reveal the impact on children’s development. The results, published in Human Communication Research, show that watching TV can lead to less interaction between parents and children, with a detrimental impact on literacy and language skills.
    • The results demonstrated that who mothers co-read books communicated significantly more with their children than mothers watching TV. The amount of communication involved in reading was not significantly higher than playing with toys. However, the quality of maternal responsiveness was higher in books than toys.
  • Aug 16, 11

    Parents can order from Scholastic Book Clubs, too! :)

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