11 items | 20 visits
This list links to students I'm tutoring, who have created blogs as part of the Designing Onlne Media Production (FAM2009S) course.
Updated on Oct 12, 15
Created on Jul 30, 10
Category: Computers & Internet
11 items | 20 visits
This list links to students I'm tutoring, who have created blogs as part of the Designing Onlne Media Production (FAM2009S) course.
Updated on Oct 12, 15
Created on Jul 30, 10
Category: Computers & Internet
In addition to posting more often next year, you might want to experiment with turning your WordPress blog into a website and incorporating some of the projects you worked on in 2010?
You could also consider adding more functionality to your blog (such as a "tag cloud", links to social media, your photos, etc.).
As a designer, you should also improve the quality of the imagery you use (the header looks pixellated) and consider elements from the InDesign and Photoshop work you did this year. - Travis Noakes on 2010-11-01