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Jenna Andersen's List: FMB-Motherhood

  • Jul 18, 12

    I love working from home. Some people ask me if I get bored, but there isn’t time to be bored. I am so busy with the blog, freelance work, and of course our adorable baby. It is hard to find time during the day to take a break, but I try to treat myself to a lunch break every day. Caleb usually naps around noon, so it is my opportunity to make a tasty lunch and relax for a bit. Ok, I don’t really relax. I check emails, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and catch up on blog work. I consider it a break as long as good food is involved:)

  • Jul 18, 12

    I hope to find time to relax this weekend. You never know with the little pea though, he never runs out of energy:) We’ve been walking three times a day and playing non-stop. Speaking of the little pea, today is his 7 month birthday! Happy birthday to our Caleb. The time sure is going quickly.

  • Jul 18, 12

    It is located across the street from the Eiffel Tower and you can even see it out our window (just a tiny bit.) When it sparkles in the evening it catches my eye while I’m working or reading to my kids on the couch. It always makes me smile and reminds me that I’m living in Paris.

  • COS

    Jul 24, 12

    A couple of weeks ago, I took the train to Paris and spent the day running around with Jordan — no kids. It was amazing! She showed me tons of the best shopping spots and we just had a really good time hanging out, talking about France, what’s next, and our websites.

  • Jul 24, 12

    What little (or big) thing are you grateful for today? Me? I’m grateful for the way Baby June blows kisses when she says goodbye.

  • Jul 24, 12

    the other day, eleanor refused all naps! for a little one who normally goes down at 11am on the dot for 2 1/2 hours, let me tell you, it was quite the experience. i'd put her down in her crib and she'd just keep chatting away, trying to high-five me and play peek-a-boo... i'd leave the room and she'd keep shouting towards the door, "heyyyyyyy! maaaaaaaa? MAAAA?!" and after about 15 minutes of that, i just feel rude. so out of the crib she came. and we cuddled and read stories and played while i tried to fight back my own tears of exhaustion. but by 2pm, those tears came anyway. i was so tired. i'd slept maybe 3 hours total the night before (thanks a lot, pregnancy) and it just wasn't my day. more like, a zombie day.

    i told josh that night, "it's a good thing she's cute. otherwise...." just kidding. but no seriously...

  • Jul 24, 12

    yesterday was one of those days where i didn't shower or put a bra on until 7pm. it was just... one of those days. (although let me tell you, at 33 weeks pregnant, it seems i'm having one of those days every other day.) this week i tried to tackle a number of projects around the house but with little E pulling on my leg every 10 minutes with a new book to read, the house is looking more like a tornado stopped by and stayed all week. i did, however, manage to round up 3 boxes worth of stuff for good will and also wash and pack away all of eleanor's 1st year baby clothing, so we are getting somewhere... even if it's taking us years to get there.

    so i'm glad it's friday because this means we get two full days with papa around and he's kind of the biggest help/ most fun person ever, in my book. plus, he doesn't shave on weekends when we're traveling and i sure do like me a little bit of that 3rd day scruff. ;) (here's to hoping someday finance guys don't have to look so clean cut every single day... i mean, really.)

  • Jul 24, 12

    Since I've been SUPER crazy-busy this past week, I've recruited all the helpers that I can find, including my little Aubrielle. Who knew that 4 year olds were so good at stuffing cellophane bags with vinyl and business cards!?

    I couldn't leave this post without sharing a short video with you, that I secretly shot of my tiny helper singing her heart out. This little girl has enough personality for a small country, and she constantly keeps me on my toes, and most importantly... laughing :)

  • Jul 24, 12

    So happy to have a new little waterproof stool in our bathroom for sitting on while I bathe the girls!

  • Jul 24, 12

    Can you hear my kids chattering in the background? This was happening on the other side of dresser :)

  • Jul 24, 12

    After a little meeting yesterday, I attempted to grab some {non drive-thru} lunch with Everett in tow. I was well stocked with toys and books, putting full confidence in their ability to give me 10 minutes to eat with at least one hand. 
    He didn't touch one of them. Taking their place, and contending for the top spot in maximum baby entertainment was my necklace, my salad bowl, my salad, my tray {which is much easier to play with if you pull it off the table and onto the bench to be with you} and a bag of wipes. His new found interest in everything is one of the things I'm loving most right now, so I didn't mind his curious hands. I did however realize that for the most part, toys are pretty overrated. As he gets older, I might just have to buy myself a new set of pots and pans, a few wooden spoons, a set of Tupperware that's not from your Tupperware party, and call it good.

  • Jul 24, 12

    You know, I really thought I would miss the infant stage. I mean how could you not? When they're so tiny and new it feels like there is nothing in the world that could top that little body right there. But I've been surprised to find that I don't as much. As Everett gets older, he's not just fun to take care of but legitimately fun to spend time with too. That might sound strange, but to me it feels like there's a difference. Like all of a sudden he's old enough to be considered "company". And pretty cool company at that. Going to the gym or the grocery store or into the city definitely takes more effort, but he gets such a kick out of seeing new places and discovering what a strawberry feels like in his hands that it makes it much less overwhelming than I thought it would be {or what others have said it should be}.
    I may be running on less sleep with more to do now than I ever have before. {A shocking discovery for someone who was so excited to graduate college so she could get her brain back. Joke's on me.} But gosh, it feels pretty darn happy. That Everett, man.

  • Jul 24, 12

    When my little boy relaxes his head against my shoulder and it feels just like heaven

    [a post about the stresses of life]

  • Jul 24, 12

    Don't mind us, we're just over here enjoying this fine summerish weather in the nude and hitting milestones like a boss {look at that form!}. Also, licking grass.

  • Jul 24, 12

    Yesterday, we got to be those people. Everyone's favorites: the ones with the screaming baby on the airplane. There were no tears. Strictly, I am DONE with you people and security check interrupting my nap time and everybody on this plane is gonna know about it, screaming. The people next to us avoided eye contact, the woman in front of us turned to give us pity glances and I welcomed myself to the other side. It's in those moments when you've tried the binky, the feeding, the swaddle, the diaper change, the bum pat, the rocking, the "I don't know, you give it a try" parent switch off at least 5 times and nothing is working, that you ignore the glances, you hold your wiggly, tired baby and you laugh. Half to keep from crying and half ... eh, mostly to keep from crying. So we laughed quietly and rocked some more and eventually the poor little guy slept and it was all OK.
    *Insert and apply newest, overly used "Keep calm, etc" mantra here.

  • Jul 25, 12

    For a period of about 8 months, we discovered Lil W had sleep apnea when we heard his breathing suddenly stop for nearly 10 seconds at a time, multiple times throughout the night. It scared us to death–and resulted in the lil guy snuggling in bed with us every night so we could monitor his breathing.

  • Jul 25, 12

    Dear Baby in My Tummy,
    I’ve been meaning to sit down and write this letter to you for a while now…
    so that I feel less guilty about my lack of preparation for you.
    so that I stop worrying that we still haven’t found the perfect name for you.
    so that you become more real to me.
    and so that you know just how much you already matter to our family.

      • In the 6 months that you have been growing in my belly, life has been a bit crazy for your Mommy and Daddy.
        So crazy, that we haven’t spent hours preparing a nursery, or shopping at Babies R Us, or folding and refolding all your precious mini clothes.
        I feel terrible about this. As if the time I spend preparing for your arrival somehow equates to the amount of love I have for you.
        It doesn’t. I promise.

      • I have faith that when you get here, you will give our little family the balance it needs…
        Help to teach your brother that he is not, in fact, the center of the Universe.
        Remind your Momma and Daddy that they are, in fact, not half bad at this whole parenting business.
        Soften our hearts.
        Renew our Spirits.
        Fill our lives with an added measure of love.

  • Jul 25, 12

    I’m almost ashamed to admit it, but the reality is…
    that aside from the beautiful end result, being pregnant is about my least favorite thing in the world.
    I’m beyond grateful and realize how blessed I am to be capable of creating a miracle in my belly,
    but the experience is still a struggle I’m working to overcome.
    The extreme sickness, the trips to the hospital, the mood swings, the headaches, the shortness of breath, the heartburn, the way NO clothes seem to fit the way I envision them in my head.
    The list really goes on.

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