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        • Assess for risk of suicide or harm
        • Listen nonjudgmentally
        • Give reassurance and information
        • Encourage appropriate professional help
        • Encourage self-help and other support strategies

        Become one of Arizona's Mental Health First Aiders (

    • Yuen, Felice and Context(e, Gabriell (2013) A Bridge to Alien-Nation: Connecting Through Humanity, Diversity, and Relationships. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 4 (3). pp. 357-370. ISSN ISSN (online) 1920-7298

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    • Each of these definitions neatly fit into where these deep-rooted, complicated feelings lie for me today.
    • Understanding social interaction within groups is key to analyzing online communities. Most current work focuses on structural properties: who talks to whom, and how such interactions form larger network structures. The interactions themselves, however, generally take place in the form of natural language --- either spoken or written --- and one could reasonably suppose that signals manifested in language might also provide information about roles, status, and other aspects of the group's dynamics. To date, however, finding such domain-independent language-based signals has been a challenge. 
      Here, we show that in group discussions power differentials between participants are subtly revealed by how much one individual immediately echoes the linguistic style of the person they are responding to. Starting from this observation, we propose an analysis framework based on linguistic coordination that can be used to shed light on power relationships and that works consistently across multiple types of power --- including a more "static" form of power based on status differences, and a more "situational" form of power in which one individual experiences a type of dependence on another. Using this framework, we study how conversational behavior can reveal power relationships in two very different settings: discussions among Wikipedians and arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court.
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    • You know that feeling that something just isnt right... It comes from the depths but it manages to reach the attentive mind
    • Changing how Ireland thinks about young people's   mental health through Jigsaw, Research and Advocacy.
    •  “Allowing Young People to Say the Unsayable”, Annie Rogers will profile the challenges that young people (12-25) face in their journey to adulthood.  She will draw on her experience working with young people who struggle to come to terms with experiences that were traumatic. 

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    • torturous
      • sometimes a smile triggers me feeling hurt.

        i was called, bothered, disturbed, upon to move my body and change my words as early as i can rememember.

        a smiling face liked me if i turned around and changed my face and spelled it out with love not hate.

        if i was feeling love or hate was not a question.

        i was tortured if i asked again, if i tried to stop, or go, away. i was just loved more.

    • spectrum of severity

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    • I am learning the difference between enforced silence in the disparity of loneliness and chosen silence in the beauty of solitude. And how silence can create both pain and peace.
    • life-altering words and art of many people in a variety of walks of life.
  • ccCccCcc

    • biblically or otherwise, all too often bodies like this, narratively identified as female, are locked away, and, as Emily Dickinson once wrote, "shut up in Prose", spoken on behalf of, and, in their sacrifice, never provided an opportunity to speak up for themselves.
    • all too often bodies like this, narratively identified as female, are locked away

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    • Gabriell Gaston Contexte Croft Many people are running in circles. many systems are running in circles.

      A circulation around what is important.

      A few days ago, in one everyday networking activity of everyday social workers, teachers, practitioners, academics, psychologists, researchers and others from many diverse realities - we were told to walk in Circles, in any direction.

      It made me feel like many people we know are walking in circles. And many systems we know are walking in circles..

      so I stood still.

      I stood still outside our circle.
      I stood still in our middle.

      People just circled.

      What do people do if people stand still?

      I met few others who recognized and understood still, standing with me.

      I met many others who told me to keep walking.

      In circles?

      Letting and telling eachother to run in circles, instills a sense less well-rounded and well-understood.

      No understanding place to stop and go.

      It shows.

      We know we are walking in circles, we do not know how to stop. Consciously and subconsciously, we know we are all in a circle, but we circle around eachother without stopping to help.

      Our circulation around what is important. We leave humanity out of our circle.
    • speaks to a larger issue that requires careful consideration. The law’s failure to grapple with the cumulative impact of domestic violence on a survivor’s sense of fear and notion of threat is one such issue. In examining only a single moment, the law fails again and again to navigate the world of a domestic violence survivor. In that sense, Alexander’s individual case is symptomatic of a larger cultural issue: our flourishing economy of violence that is sustained by emotional terrorism—its primary weapons being silence, blame and shame.
    • Alexander’s case speaks to a larger issue that requires careful consideration. The law’s failure to grapple with the cumulative impact of domestic violence on a survivor’s sense of fear and notion of threat is one such issue. In examining only a single moment, the law fails again and again to navigate the world of a domestic violence survivor. In that sense, Alexander’s individual case is symptomatic of a larger cultural issue: our flourishing economy of violence that is sustained by emotional terrorism—its primary weapons being silence, blame and shame.

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  • Dec 20, 13

    "When abuse is in your life what do you do?"

    • Several factors have been proposed to explain the gradual demise of psychoanalysis and depth therapy, including the prolonged treatment time inherent in the process, monetary considerations, the time constraints of managed care, and the increased medicalization of psychology. However, I believe that this demise is closely related to an implicit cultural movement to squelch serious inquiry into family dynamics and interpersonal relationships, particularly the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse of children. Clearly, this is a dangerous trend for society. How can we hope to develop a better quality of family life if we do not honestly scrutinize the dynamics of present-day family interactions? We must effectively account for the high rate of adolescent suicide, violence in our schools, the widespread use of drugs and the many other symptoms of emotional disturbance in our young people.
    • The bulwarks of society, initially outraged by these new developments, gradually homogenized and integrated some of the ideology. This partial ingestion was more effective at undermining the progressive movement than a direct confrontation. At that time, everyone spoke in psychological terms, the jargon of self-help and self-actualization ran rampant, and people mouthed the platitudes of the freedom movement until they became banal.
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      building depends on listening. ♥


      building good. ♥


      building sound. ♥


      building listening. ♥


      building sound health. :)


      building mental health. ♥

    • building depends on listening. ♥


      building good. ♥


      building sound. ♥


      building listening. ♥


      building sound health. :)


      building mental health. ♥

    • Basic Info

      Contact Info

    • About is minding and designing some ideas to help understanding we need to do.

      Scipsytechnological thoughts, feelings, and toolings. is serious business.
      Mission is minding and designing some ideas to help understanding we need to do.
      Company Overview
      I started my page here called "thrillship" (maybe was 'Get me out of this ship.' I wrote for its first 'Mission' profile) page changed to tilTrue ...because that was a language evolution .... changing name and changing life from business to personal insights....

      I am full of information. Just need to organize it, but we all have a hard time understanding what tech and us mean together...
      Description is minding and designing some ideas to help understanding we need to do.

      Scipsytechnological thoughts, feelings, and toolings. is serious business.
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