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Terry Elliott's List: essentiallitqs

      •   Language & Literature




          How is our understanding of   culture and society constructed through and by language?


          How can language be   powerful?


          How can you use language to   empower yourself?


          How is language used to   manipulate us?


          In what ways are language   and power inseparable?


          Is it possible to have   culture without language?


          Is it possible to think   without language?


          How does language influence   the way we think, act, and perceive the world?


          How do authors use the   resources of language to impact an audience?




          How is literature like   life?


          What is literature   supposed to do?


          What influences a   writer to create?


          What is the purpose   and function of art in our culture?


          How does literature   reveal the values of a given culture or time period?


          How does the study of   fiction and nonfiction texts help individuals construct their   understanding of reality?


          In what ways are all   narratives influenced by bias and perspective?


          Where does the meaning   of a text reside? Within the text, within the reader, or in the   transaction that occurs between them?


          Can a reader infer an   author's intentions based on the text?


          What are enduring   questions and conflicts that writers (and their cultures) grappled with   hundreds of years ago and are still relevant today?


          How do we gauge the   optimism or pessimism of a particular time period or particular group of   writers?


          Are there universal   themes in literature that are of interest or concern to all cultures and   societies?


          What are the   characteristics or elements that cause a piece of literature to endure?


          What distinguishes a   good read from great literature?


          Who decides the   criteria for judging whether or not a book is any good?


          What is the purpose   of: science fiction? satire? historical novels, etc.?


      • some of the anchor questions 

  • Jul 31, 10

    Essential Questions (EQs) are those questions that probe the heart of what we are trying to learn or study - they are the questions that drive our curiosities and focus our inquiries. Of course, it would be helpful to know what those questions are, so here is a list for our various literary analyses.  Remember, I am learning more and more about these just as you are, so questions might change as I gain more insight into each type.
    Rhetorical: the analysis of technique and author intent
    EQ 1: What did the author want me to get out of this piece?
    EQ 2: What techniques did the author use to get his/her point across?
    EQ 3: How were those techniques used to develop theme? character? etc...
    EQ 4: How were those techniques used to manipulate the reader?

    Cultural: the analysis of a piece of literature in terms of its cultural context
    EQ 1: Why do you either identify or resist the cultural values of the piece?
    EQ 2: Are you an insider or an outsider to the culture in this book?
    EQ 3: How does the work reflect a particular culture or cultural values?
    EQ 4: How does the culture reflected in the writing affect your understanding of it? How does your own culture affect your understanding of it?

    Deconstruction: the revelation of a secondary meaning
    EQ 1: Is there any evidence in the text indicating a possible secondary meaning?
    EQ 2: Do you know enough about the primary meaning to attempt to find a secondary?
    EQ 3: Assuming you have your initial clue, can you then adequately extend your secondary meanings throughout the work?
    EQ 4: Do you really understand primary and a secondary meanings?

    Feminist: the analysis of a work's perception by and portrayal of females
    EQ 1: How would a female (probably you) respond to a story, especially as that response would be significantly different that that of a male.
    EQ 2: How are female (and male) roles played out in the work? What stereotypes - overt or subtle - are portrayed?  What messages about gender roles are being sent?
    EQ 3: How would the story change if gender roles were shifted?

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