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    • In 2002, questions were raised about the ethical nature of group purchasing organizations (GPOs) after it was found that they were taking part in anticompetitive business practices, including excessively high contract fees. However, a review conducted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) shows improved transparency within the system.
    • Within the current review, GPOs reported that they received contract administrative fees that ranged from 0.09 percent to 10 percent of the product's purchasing price. Two of the GPOs reported that contract administrative fees in 2008 were over 3 percent of the purchasing price. Combined, the six GPOs collected $1.7 billion in contract administrative fees in 2008 and $320 million in other revenue. Additionally, 53 percent of GPOs' total revenue was distributed in 2008, which totaled about $1.1 billion
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