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Chaerin Park's List: Yassir Arafat's monumental move TP

  • May 02, 12

    The Palestinian Liberation organization was established in 1964 following the lead of Yassir Arafat and under the sponsorship of the Arab League. The ambitious leader Yassir Arafat worked hard for the Palestinians through the PLO and established a state within a state within Jordan. However, King Hussein kicked the PLO out of Jordan in 1970 as he was greatly disturbed by the violence that seemed to evolve around the PLO. Arafat, still determined, created a similar state within a state in Lebanon. However this time the PLO was once again kicked out in 1982 by the Israelis. Arafat and the PLO fled to Tunisia and set a base there. Soon after this, the Palestinians began the 1987 intifada and rose up against Israel occupation. However, Arafat knew that only the PLO could negotiate a settlement for a Palestinian Self-rule. Thus Arafat gave a speech with monumental statements that greatly changed the course of traditional politics and relations.

  • 1988: The PLO's monumental move

    - The Palestine National Council (PNC) led by Yassir Arafat stated 4 important things in 1988

    1. There should be an Independent Palestine

    2. Recognized UN resolution 242

    3. Renounced terrorism

    4. Recognized Israel's right to exist

    - Situation prior to declaration:

    - Refusal of the US to negotiate with the PLO

    - Israel had wanted peace talks while PLO had refused

    • In 1988  came a change of policy. In a speech at a special United Nations  session held in Geneva, Switzerland, Arafat declared that the PLO  renounced terrorism and supported "the right of all parties  concerned in the Middle East conflict to live in peace and  security, including the state of Palestine, Israel and other  neighbours".
      • Yassir Arafat's monumental of 1988: He declared at a UN session in Geneva that PLO rejected terrorism and sought for peace in the Middle East as well as within Palestine and amongst neighboring nations.

    • After a setback when the PLO supported  Iraq in the Persian Gulf War of 1991, the peace process began in  earnest, leading to the Oslo Accords of 1993.
      • Oslo Accords of 1993 resulted from Yassir Arafat's first step towards peace

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    • In 1988, he solemnly proclaimed his adherence to the "two-state" solution, involving the Palestinians' renunciation of 78% of their original homeland
      • in 1988 Arafat accepted Israel's right to exist and their goals for regaining Palestinian land changed.

    • He recognised Israel's right to exist
      • His recognition of Israel's right to exist opened up several negotiations for Palestine

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  • - As a result of Yassir Arafat and the PNC's four declarations, the longstanding refusal of the US to negotiate and talk with the PLO ended

    - Opened up talks between U.S and PLO representatives in Tunis

    - US-PLO dialogue is important: As US is a superpower, it is important for Palestine to negotiate and talk with this nation. Also since the US is Israel's biggest ally, Palestine negotiating with US is similar to Palestine negotiating with Israel.

    - The fact that US and PLO were talking put pressure on Israel to make its own peace proposals --> Somewhat led to the 1993 Declaration of Principles where Rabin and Arafat (and Clinton) proposed negotiating terms

    - Palestine recognized Israel's right to exist:

    --This was huge as this meant that Palestine considered the Israelis occupying land as more than just invading army of troops. Palestine now recognized Israel.

    -- This opened up unilateral talks between Palestine and Israel (instead of the former Palestine-UN-Israel)

    -- First step in moving towards a final peace settlement, as one only talks to someone they recognize!

  • Ferber, Elizabeth. Yasir Arafat : a life of war and peace. Brookfield, Conn.: Millbrook Press, 1995. Print. (pages 106-108)


    -1988 PNC met in Algeria and Arafat gave a speech and read the Palestinian Declaration of Independence

    - Arafat was wary of pushing and offending the US into supporting Israel with more arms and money

    - Arafat did not specify his terms and his wording was very vague (ambiguousness was the key)

    - In December 1988 the State department of US stated that it would initiate a peace process with Israel if Arafat would agree to certain conditions proposed

    - After another ambiguous speech in Geneva at a UN meeting, Arafat realized he was letting down another chance of diplomacy.

    - He later said at a press conference: "Out desire for peace is strategic and not a temporary tactic... Our state provides salvation for the Palestinians and peace for both Palestinians and Israelis". He accepted the "right of all parties concerned with the Middle East conflict to exist in peace and security, including- as I said- the State of Palestine, Israel, and other neighbors." He added, "We totally and categorically reject all forms of terrorism... enough is enough, enough is enough... we want peace... we are committed to peace, and we want to live in our Palestinian state and let others live."

    - Thus the US was ready to negotiate and talk with the PLO

    -However Arafat had not informed the Palestinian public of this matter

    - Arafat also continued to antagonize the Israeli leadership by calling it a puppet of the US

    -Same month he was received by the pope, next year he was invited to Paris by France's president François Mitterand.

    -Arafat basked in the praise of the diplomatic community

    - "Arafat knew that the intafada itself would not be able to overthrow Israeli rule and that is leaders would not be able to negotiate a settlmlement regarding Palestinian self-rulse. Only the PLO could do that and if the PLO failed the young plalsetinians “waging war” in Gaza and the West Bank, afrafat was sure they would look elsewhere for leadership."

  • May 02, 12

    Yassir Arafat was possibly one of the most controversial leaders of middle eastern history. Despite different opinions surrounding Arafat, it is undeniable that his monumental proclaims in 1988 changed a huge course of history. From his words that rang throughout the UN conference in Geneva, the PLO-US dialogue was forever changed. By establishing a first and crucial step towards Palestinian-Israeli peace, Arafat’s words were extremely crucial in the history of the Middle East.

  • May 02, 12

    Ferber, Elizabeth. Yasir Arafat : a life of war and peace. Brookfield, Conn.: Millbrook Press, 1995. Print. (pages 106-108)
    Hirst, David. "Yasser Arafat." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 11 Nov. 2004. Web. 01 May 2012. 
    "The Nobel Peace Prize 1994 Yasser Arafat." Yasser Arafat. Web. 01 May 2012. 

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