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Katt Blackwell-Starnes's List: On Teaching Composition


    Links specifically to NCTE and CCCC statements on writing.

    • Purposes for writing include developing social networks; engaging in civic discourse; supporting personal and spiritual growth; reflecting on experience; communicating professionally and academically; building relationships with others, including friends, family, and like-minded individuals; and engaging in aesthetic experiences.
    • Writing with certain purposes in mind, the writer focuses her attention on what the audience is thinking or believing; other times, the writer focuses more on the information she is organizing, or on her own thoughts and feelings. Therefore, the thinking, the procedures, and the physical format in writing all differ when writers’ purposes vary.

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    • One definition of being a literate consumer might be that in addition to "being able to download information to your brain," says Fisch, you also are able to "remix it and repurpose it and share it back out to the world."
    • For Dawn Hogue, 21st century literacies are "all about a community and sharing and collaboration
      • Social bookmarking

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    • Because technology has increased the intensity and complexity of literate environments, the twenty-first century demands that a literate person possess a wide range of abilities and competencies, many literacies.
    • Develop proficiency with the tools of technology

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    • It can refer to participatingin chat rooms or creating webpages
    • work in one medium is used to enhance learning in the other.
      • Research in social bookmarking forums can enhance writing by providing students with 1) easier access to research which 2)allows them the opportunity to conduct more research in less time and gain a better idea of the discussions on the topic. This means 3) they are not spending all of their time trying to find THE article and can spend more time writing with a more informed view of the topic.

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    • To restrict students’ engagement with writing to only academic contexts and forms is to risk narrowing what we as a nation can remember, understand, and create.
    • many genres and uses of writing must be taught well

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