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Skim137's List: Sound & Visual Research

    • In a system later to be dubbed Frippertronics, Eno and Fripp set up two reel-to-reel tape decks that would allow audio elements to be added to a continuing tape loop, building up a dense layer of sound that slowly decayed as it turned around and around the deck's playback head. Fripp later soloed on top of this. No Pussyfooting represents the duo's initial experiments with this system, a side each. "Heavenly Music Corporation" demonstrates the beauty of the setup, with several guitar and synth elements building on top of each other, the music slowly evolving, and Fripp ending the piece with low dive-bombing feedback that swoops over the soundscape, bringing the piece to its conclusion. "Swastika Girls," on the other hand, shows how the system can be abused. With too many disconnected sounds sharing the space, some discordant, some melodic, the resulting work lacks form and structure. Eno and Fripp later refined the system on Evening Star and Eno's solo album Discreet Music. Fripp would take the system and base whole albums and live appearances around it (particularly Let the Power Fall). But it was here on No Pussyfooting where it all started.
    • Let the Power Fall is an album of Frippertronics, which to the uninitiated can sound like electrical hum. In reality it's a technique developed with Brian Eno, which allows the guitarist to play against a tape loop of sustained notes. With Frippertronics as his mantra, Robert Fripp creates impressive instrumental structures by building layers of sound atop one another. This sort of ambient music is conducive to a specific frame of mind, but like Eno's Discreet Music it rewards the careful listener.
    • Discreet Music is his first full foray into what has become known as ambient music. Using the same system of two reel-to-reel tape recorders as No Pussyfooting and Evening Star, Eno was able to layer simple parts atop one another, resulting in a beautiful piece of music that never really changes but constantly evolves with the addition and decay of different parts.
    • Robert Fripp's second team up with Brian Eno was a less harsh, more varied affair, closer to Eno's then-developing idea of ambient music than what had come before in No Pussyfooting. The method used, once again, was the endless decaying tape loop system of Frippertronics but refined with pieces such as "Wind on Water" fading up into an already complex bed of layered synths and treated guitar over which Fripp plays long, languid solos.
    • "We see rapid evolution when there's rapid environmental change and the biggest part of our environment is culture, and culture is exploding," says Prof Stearns.


      "That's I really think the take-home message of the Framingham study, that we are continuing to evolve, that biology is going to change with the culture and it's just a matter of not being able to see it because we're stuck right in the middle of the process right now."


      Technology may have limited the impact of evolutionary forces such as predation and disease, but that does not mean humans have stopped evolving.


      Far from it, in a world of globalisation, rapidly advancing medical and genetic science and the increasing power of individuals to determine their own life choices, more powerful forces may come into play.


      The direction of our future evolution is likely to be driven as much by us as by nature. It may be less dependent on how the world changes us, but ever more so on our growing ability to change the world.

    • the relative duration and pitch of a sound
    • A pitched sound itself
    • Acoustical engineering
    • the science of sound and vibration

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    • Acoustic absorption is that property of any material that changes the acoustic energy of sound waves into another form, often heat, which it to some extent retains, as opposed to that sound energy that material reflects or conducts.
    • The absorptive of a given material is frequency-dependent and is affected by size, shape, location and the mounting method used. Porous insulative materials such as mineral wool or glass wool are effective sound absorbers compared with good conductors such as metals. Micro perforated plates, however, supply "hard" absorptive surfaces.
    • Micro perforated plate
    • A Micro Perforated Plate (MPP) is a device used to absorb sound, reducing its intensity. It consists of a thin flat plate, made from one of several different materials, with small holes punched in it. An MPP offers an alternative to traditional sound absorbers made from porous materials.

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    • The focal point of the whole system is the blade named RICCIO ©, an innovative technological system that transform the air movement into energy and then, thanks to a generator, into electricity.

      During the vehicle transit close by the noise barrier it produces a pressure wave with a kinetic energy and potential. This energy is transferred to the blade orthogonally to the wave front. Then the blade stimulated by the wave, begins swinging in analogy to a damped harmonic oscillator.

      The electricity produced will be stored by appropriate capacitors. The electricity will be used to manage the noise barriers and to provide clean energy for the districts.

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