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George S's List: Spirituality & Religion

    • Native Metinuwak (“medicine man”) and warrior
    • White Wolf will be however the first person to tell that he is in no way a “Medicine Man” or “Shaman”. He always says that he is merely a guide. His native guide and Teacher taught him the old ways of living with the earth.

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    • The wolf teaches us goodwill and communal harmony
    • Wolves have a very strict  community structure, they always work together and each one has its place so this is why their sense of community is well-developed

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    • Philosophy for a Stoic is not just a set of beliefs or ethical claims, it is a way of life involving constant practice and training (or askesis, see asceticism). Stoic philosophical and spiritual practices included logic, Socratic dialog and self-dialog, contemplation of death, training attention to remain in the present moment (similar to some forms of Eastern meditation), daily reflection on everyday problems and possible solutions, hypomnemata, and so on. Philosophy for a Stoic is an active process of constant practice and self-reminder.
    • The winged sun disk is a very ancient symbol. In ancient Egyptian symbology wings signify ascension.

      In ancient Egyptian religion, the sun disk became a primary symbol of Ra, the sun Neter. He was called the Sun of Righteousness with healing in his wings," a title which Christians later adopted for Jesus Christ (because he was the reincarnation and the personification of Ra the Sun as all the pharaohs of Egypt were).

      The sun disk was carved over the doorways of many Egyptian tombs and temples, and it appears on many papyri. In the illustration above, the sun disk is carried on the wings of Horus, and flanked by two uraeus (two opposing serpents).
    • students of astrology in the United States typically associate the power animal Horse or Centaur, associated with the sign Sagittarius. The Native American power animal for the month of December is also the horse. The horse is one of the most important animals in both our spiritual and developmental history and is deserving of much honor and respect.
    • The Centaur totem of the month, while mostly manifesting through Horse for animal work, connects in both astrology and shamanism through the kind and wise Centaur Chiron. Though most centaurs were raucous, wild-living beings, Chiron was intelligent, kind, and a great teacher. He was a talented healer and respected oracle. Chiron is said to have sacrificed his life to allow humans to obtain the use of fire. Through fire, shamans are able to cleanse dense energies. Fire ceremony is an important part of shamanic practices; it is conducted to offer healing to a community, the land it is performed on, and offered up for the healing of Pachamama as our communal home. The intentions brought forward in the fire ceremony are those of deep healing for all those in attendance and for Mother Earth Herself.
    • visualizations are powerful tools we can all use to create our reality. Visualizations strengthen neural pathways and connections that are beneficial to us. Visualizations are mental exercises aimed at harnessing the power of your intentions.
    • Life and death, having more than one home, being drawn to more than one place at once, congregations, workshops and moots, trying to be at the top of your game, the sun's power, sun worship, upperworld messenger, conduit between energies, clashes with rabbit energy, messenger of the gods, ego, instincts, true sight, power, soaring over obstacles, flight of the spirit.
    • large, monogamous eagle
    • The regal Golden Eagle is one of the two Native American shamanic eagles. He represents fertility, aspiration and generosity, a reassuring and powerful companion on shamanic journey. His appearance often indicates impending victory or spiritual success, and the shaman who travels with him may be confident of wonderful outcomes.
    • The beautiful, majestic (and endangered) Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is  the  animal Totem for Wabun. Eagle soars high, higher than any other physical  being.  And yet from this lofty height He can see the mouse far below. At the same  time He  sees the whole picture. The first gift of Wabun which Golden Eagle can  help you  realize is Clarity. Ask Wabun to help you soar high, close to Creator,  and gain  Wisdom. Higher yet, till you gain the Light of Illumination.
    • nutrition
    • exercise and eat a good amount of vegetables and fruits

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  • Jan 10, 12

    “The Kingdom of God is within us” (Luke 17:21)

    • We see the power of each person in our community and we   seek to unite soul groups.
    • global expansion, without sacrificing the close-knit   geographic community base

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