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Kevin Saulsbury's List: Digital Rights and Responsibilites

  • Digital Rights and Responsibilites

    Is the rules and regulations that need to be follow to ensure that the things that go on in the internet is clean and not degrading or mistreating anyone privacy on the internet.

    • The topic that we choose to do is rights and responsibilities in digital citizenship. Rights and responsibilities are the privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them. Digital rights and responsibilities are things like the right of copyright, and plagiarism. Also things like downloading music, movies and television shows being downloaded for free. Other issues include the use of the internet, especially at schools. Another issue is cell phones.
    • "In the digital world, users should expect that if they post information to a site (whether it is a poem, a picture, a song, or some other form of original research or creative expression), others will enjoy it without vandalizing it, passing it off as their own, or using it as a pretext to threaten or harass.
       Being a full member in a digital society means that each user is afforded certain rights, and these rights should be provided equally to all members. Digital citizens also have certain responsibilities to this society; they must agree to live according to the parameters that are mutually agreed upon by members. These boundaries may come in the form of a responsible use policy. Users need to have a clear understanding of the behavior that is required of them to be members of the digital society.
       When creating or publishing anything, users should be allowed to protect those works (or not) as they see fit. Digital citizens should have the right of ownership to their work.
       Rights and responsibilities are sometimes difficult to define. There can be rights in a society only if there are also responsibilities. Users need to know the difference between what is possible for the individual and what should be done for the good of the group." (Digital Citizenship in Schools, ISTE, 2007)
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