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    • And our popular culture also has the fucked-up paradox of being saturated in sexual imagery -- while at the same time, being pathetically lacking in sexual information. We have exposure, but I don't think we really have what I would call familiarity.
    • Queer as in vastly inclusive, ditch the alphabet entirely and let’s band together under a single banner that attempts to include everyfuckingbody it can who deviates from the norm, in the realm of sexuality and gender.
    • To the point where some even argue that completely un-gender-deviant and un-homo-erotic sexualities - heterosexual gender-normative sadomasochism, for example, or non-monogamous sexual practices as a whole - are also welcomed into the all-encompassing and ever-expanding circle of the letter Q, with its quirky little tail to keep it distinctive even in typeset.

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    • A stigma against sex workers perpetuates a stigma against anyone who “steps out of line” with their sexuality. It’s a tacit approval of regulating sexual expression among consenting adults.
    • t’s more about them having an open mind and being willing to listen and learn, and most importantly, to value the voices of actual sex workers over those of people who attempt to speak for them.
    • Anyway, I'm just saying that questions of the sexuality of people perceived to be in social custody instead of being capable of individual autonomy is a big deal.
    • For decades sceptics have dismissed talk of the female G spot as a sort of gynaecological UFO – much searched for, much discussed, but unverified by objective means.

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      Now scientists believe they have finally obtained the first evidence of its existence – but only in some lucky women.

    • The finding is unlikely to settle the issue. Other researchers queued up to offer their interpretations of the results, suggesting the thickened tissue could be the internal part of the clitoris, or that those who had learnt to experience orgasms through practice had altered their anatomy.
    • The gist is that if you treat communication being an exchange of 'performative' statements, then voyeurism, exhibitionism, sadism and masochism will all be able to be passed as reasonable sexual practice within social fields where the members are not unwilling.
    • However, bigger girls can do very well as escorts, sensual touch practitioners, and pro dommes.
    • "I don't know about you but I am feeling great!" she said at her first event in Ames. Working hard to grab the momentum, Clinton joked about the extremes to which she would go to win support, recalling a campaign appearance among farmers and ranchers in an arena that normally is the site of cattle auctions.


      "If you want to look inside my mouth to figure out whether you want to vote for me, that's fine, too," Clinton quipped. "Whatever it takes."

    • Like a fuck buddy
    • It took a while to realize that I have a powerful connection with anyone who spanks me; I believe this is because all play is real on some level for me.

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