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    • The US report found Gulf War illness "fundamentally differs" from stress-related syndromes described after other wars. It said: "Studies consistently indicate that Gulf War illness is not the result of combat or other stressors, and that Gulf War veterans have lower rates of post-traumatic stress disorder than veterans of other wars."
    • the immune changes that we see in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I think are absolutely what you should see in a chronic viral state, the cells that clear viruses that are latent- that are trying to reactivate, the very cells that prevent reactivation of latent viruses are the ones that are most dysfunctional.
    • So the immunologic state seems very reasonable to continue to hypothesize viruses might well be  involved in the chronicity of this illness.

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  • Aug 03, 08

    It is hypothesised that too vigorous exercise triggers elastase activity and G-actin cleavage in people with ME/CFS, while symptoms and immune status remain unaffected in healthy subjects and people with ME/CFS performing a self-paced and physiologically limited bout of exercise.

    • It is hypothesised that too vigorous exercise triggers elastase activity and G-actin cleavage in people with ME/CFS, while symptoms and immune status remain unaffected in healthy subjects and people with ME/CFS performing a self-paced and physiologically limited bout of exercise.
    • In one study, 75% of people with untreated CFS who performed a 5- to 12-minute incremental low-intensity treadmill test took longer than three days to recover (Stevens, 2004).
    • The temptation to adopt a traditional training program aimed at optimization of aerobic capacity should be firmly resisted (Bailey, 2003).
    • Activity and symptom diaries may be very effective during early phases of the therapy process, but become less effective or more difficult to maintain during later phases of therapy.
    • Research has demonstrated that various pain-related processes in the brain and spinal cord are abnormal in fibromyalgia
    • Therefore, in the future, with new insights and therapies on the horizon, we will no longer need to refer our fibromyalgia patients to the rheumatologist.
    • These impairments can vary in intensity, affecting the circumscribed domains of memory, attention, information processing speed and visuospatial abilities.
    • But "this is relative peanuts compared to Dr P. Trey Sunderland III, a senior psychiatric researcher at the NIH, who took $508,500 in fees from Pfizer, Inc. whilst collaborating with them and endorsing their drug [Lipitor],"
    • Returning to Goozner's story, did the letter his group wrote to the NHLBI in 2004, spark public discussion about the new cholesterol guidelines? No. "We released the letter to the press, but the mainstream of the national press ignored us," Goozner recalls.

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    • This Name Change Campaign is not about picking anyone’s favorite name'; it is not about showing up Wessely and his cohorts; it is about creating the right name for the right time.
    • It has been known for over a decade that frontal and temporal lobe blood flow is reduced in ME/CFS, and that exercise exacerbates this reduced blood flow for up to 72 hours. The new evidence is that elevated elastase and RNase-L levels correlate with reduced blood flow.
    • Dr Jonathan Kerr from London stated that his gene expression studies are finding three main abnormalities in ME/CFS patients: these involve the immune system, mitochondrial function and G-protein signalling. There are seven genes upregulated in ME/CFS - those associated with apoptosis, pesticides, mitochdonrial function, demyelination and viral binding sites. Kerr mentioned three genes in particular: gelsolin, which is involved in apoptosis and amyloidosis; one that is upregulated by organophosphates, and a mitochondrial gene involved in the demyelination of nerves.

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      • While I appreciate people with MS or cancer have objective biological evidence of physical pathology, I can't help but think they too would respond the same way PWME/CFS would on the questionnaires Jones, White and Chalders love to use.

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    • He wonders is this illness really to do with interoception or altered self-perception

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    • This article presents evidence that fibromyalgia patients have  alterations in CNS anatomy, physiology, and chemistry that  potentially contribute to the symptoms experienced by these patients.
    • Neurotransmitter studies show that fibromyalgia patients have  abnormalities in dopaminergic, opioidergic, and serotoninergic  systems.

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    • the research team studied six CFS patients and six healthy but sedentary control subjects by putting them through an exercise test on two consecutive days. The first exercise test showed no differences between CFS patients and healthy controls. However, after the second exercise test 24 hours later, CFS patients displayed significantly decreased oxygen consumption—both when compared to the mean, or middle, VO2 of their first test and when compared to the VO2 of the healthy controls during the second test. The authors concluded that “the fall in oxygen consumption among the CFS patients on the second test suggests metabolic dysfunction rather than sedentary lifestyle as the cause of diminished exercise capacity in CFS.”
    • They also suggest that decreased oxygen consumption on day 2 is a distinctive feature of CFS since cardiopulmonary exercise test-retest protocols in other conditions, such as pulmonary hypertension, cystic fibrosis and obstructive pulmonary disease, do not show a similar VO2 decrease.

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    • After moderate exercise, from which a normal person would recover with nothing more than a good night's rest, an ME patient will require at least 2 to 3 days while after more strenuous exercise the period can be prolonged to 2 or 3 weeks or more. Moreover, if during this recovery phase, there is a further expenditure of energy the effect is cumulative and this is responsible for the unrelieved sense of exhaustion and depression which characterises the chronic case."
    • Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), investigators at Northwestern University, in Chicago, Illinois, found individuals with chronic back pain (CBP) had alterations in the functional connectivity of their cortical regions — areas of the brain that are unrelated to pain — compared with healthy controls.
    • However, the study found that compared with healthy controls, the regions of the DMN in chronic pain patients never "quiet down."

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    • We believe that the parts of the brain   that control the perception of fatigue and pain get damaged during the acute   infection phase of glandular fever. If you're still sick several weeks after   infection, it seems that the symptoms aren't being driven by the activity of   the virus in body, it's happening in the brain.
    • Several studies have suggested that immune activation may be occurring in   the brains of CFS patients.
    • They conjectured that increased free radical production due to immune   activation in ME/CFS damages the ion channels on the membranes of the   cells
    • What kinds of activities were these ‘supergenes’ involved in? Many of the   same activities highlighted in the last study; the immune response,   apoptosis (cell suicide), ion channel functioning and metal ion binding,   cellular signaling and aberrant neuronal activity.

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    • Unfortunately, the message of the Spark Awareness Campaign is to, “Get   diagnosed, get treated,” and ends there! The false assumption made in that  

      "Yes, both NIH and the CDC were paying more attention to CFS, but is that amount of attention sufficient for the magnitude of the problem? Is that amount of attention sufficient to find the cause of CFS, or find a treatment? Obviously not!"

      campaign is that there are healthcare providers capable of diagnosing CFS   and capable of treating it.
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