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Season-may Conklin's List: Space and Geometry


    'Space and Geometry is the study of spatial forms. It involves representation of shape, size and pattern, position and movement of objects in the three-dimensional world, or in the mind of the learner' (NSW BOs, 2007, p. 9).
    Within the content strand space and geometry children move through 3 processess; three-dimensional shape, two-dimensional shape and position (NSW BOS, 2007, p. 9).

  • Feb 29, 12

    Children explore three dimensional space using ones blocks developing verbal, visual and mental representations of three dimensional objects, their parts and properties, and different orientations.

  • Feb 29, 12

    National Council of Teaching Mathematics lesson that concentrates on introducing children to be capable of identifying, describing, naming, comparing the features and properties of three-dimensional and two-dimensional shape.

      <!-- h2> </h2 -->In five interactive geometry  investigations, students explore geometric solids and their properties.  Throughout the unit, students analyze characteristics and properties of  three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about  geometric relationships. Students construct various geometric solids using an  interactive tool, and explore and create nets for various geometric solids.  Within each lesson, students use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric  modeling to solve problems
  • Mar 01, 12

    NCTM's president gives a summing up discussion on why Geometry has always been well represented in curriculum, instruction, and assessment, but seems to come a bit later to the party in mathematics education.

    • Is it just me, or does geometry seem to be in the background these days? Slogans like “Algebra for all” and policies designed to ensure that all students complete algebra by the end of eighth grade have caugh
      • hahahahaha

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