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Scheca02's List: Final Project

    • Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
      • Basic definition. But note the point that it is about "interaction and integration among peoples, companies, and governments of differing nation-states."

    • Globalization is not new, though. For thousands of years, people—and, later, corporations—have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. In fact, many of the features of the current wave of globalization are similar to those prevailing before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914.
      • Go into some historically context. French imperialism in Africa leading to a lot of today's global interactions within the continent. 

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    • "Glocalization" is an historical process whereby localities   develop direct economic and cultural relationships to the global system   through information technologies, bypassing and subverting traditional   power hierarchies like national governments and markets.
    • a subjugated "local"   realm where the identity-affirming senses of place, neighborhood, town,   locale, ethnicity, etc. survive (if just barely) against the global onslaught   of global capitalism, media, and network identities.

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    • Rwanda’s population of more than 7 million people is divided into three ethnic groups: the Hutu (who made up roughly 85% of the population), the Tutsi (14%) and the Twa (1%).
    • The former colonial power, Germany, lost possession of Rwanda during the First World War and the territory was then placed under Belgian administration. In the late 1950’s during the great wave of decolonization, tensions increased in Rwanda. The Hutu political movement, which stood to gain from majority rule, was gaining momentum while segments of the Tutsi establishment resisted democratization and the loss of their acquired privileges. In November 1959, a violent incident sparked a Hutu uprising in which hundreds of Tutsi were killed and thousands displaced and forced to flee to neighboring countries.
      • Historical context. Important to remember that firstly Rwanada was under Germany control and later Belgian. Look deeper into the process of decolonization in Rwanada

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      • South Sudan "gained" it's independence through a serious of civil wars. 1st 1955-1972. 2nd 1983-1989.

    • The CPA established a six-year Interim Period, when a number of provisions were to be implemented to test the viability of a unified Sudan and to ensure that peace endured in the country. During the Interim Period, southern Sudan enjoyed a high degree of autonomy within a united Sudan. At the conclusion of the Interim Period, the people of southern Sudan voted in a referendum determining whether southern Sudan would secede from Sudan.

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    • In 1824, the settlement was named Monrovia, after the American president (and ACS member) James Monroe, and the <!-- #bbinclude "" #TERM#="colony" --> colony <!-- end bbinclude --> became the Republic of Liberia. Over the next 40 years, 19,000 African American repatriates, sometimes known as Americo-Liberians, settled in Liberia, along with some 5,000 Africans recaptured from slave ships, and a small number of <!-- #bbinclude "" #TERM#="West Indian" --> West Indian <!-- end bbinclude --> immigrants.
      • Introduction to the global market. 1st interaction with globalization.

    • After Liberia declared its independence in 1847, Joseph J. Roberts, a freeborn Black who was born in the American state of Virginia, was elected Liberia's first president. It had taken fewer than 25 years for the Blacks from America to begin to govern their own, free country.

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