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Sarah Barrell's List: Space and Geometry

  • Mar 19, 12

    The bookmark is for the entire site, not just the introduction page. Metalanguage is hyper-linked to a glossary for students to refer to in an efficient way. The activities provide students with immediate feedback through the automated marking function. The website is best suited to S2-S3 classes as it asks students to compare and describe three dimensional shapes, an outcome from the NSW BOS, 2006 Syllabus (p, 23).

  • Mar 19, 12

    This is a great lesson idea to encourage individual inquiry and independent learning. It could also be a great way to start a math unit by finding out what your students know and want to know. The example to the side is very funny and creative. This exersize can be integrated with English. Students can write different text types, such as a report, with the information they have found through the interview.

      • Can give students a suggestion to organise what they know and want to know into a KWL chart instead of the flow chart. KWL chart appears more organised and may be a better strategy for some students.

      • These are great ideas! It may be valuable to provide students with a few options of the way they would like to present their work. Be sure to select different presentation strategies that cater to the different individuals within the group so as to optimise inclusivity.

  • Mar 20, 12

    A great interactive website that uses the Geoboard structure as part of the aim of this game. Students need to build different sized rectangles to make a "ship". This activity uses the Cyberchase television program that is aired on ABC kids and based around math concepts and problem solving.

  • Mar 20, 12

    There are lots of different computer resources on this computer that can be used by students and teachers. teachers can implement these into their geometry lesson. Teacher may provide this website to students as a "fast finishers" activity. You will need to trial these if you wanted to use them on the interactive whiteboard as some elements may not respond.

  • Mar 20, 12

    I did this lesson with my year 4/5 class last proffessional placement. The end results were amazing. The lesson was effective in helping students classify geometric and organic shapes. The lesson also satisfied NSW BOS (2006) outcome SGS2.2a: manipulating and identifying two-dimensional shapes (p 23). Below you will find the completed work of my students from this activity.

    • finding the geometric shapes that make up animal faces and bodies.
  • Mar 21, 12

    This is a photo of students' work after they had engaged with the abstract animals lesson and key concepts on geometric shape. The dingo in the top right hand corner of the picture aligns perfectly with the lesson objective and explicit criteria for the lesson.

  • Mar 22, 12

    "Geometry is grasping space" (as cited in Gould, 2003, p 4). Literally. For a child to completely comprehend space and shape they must explore it through playing, experimenting and physically manipulating the world in which they live (Gould, 2003). Playing and physically manipulating shapes and tessellation patterns through origami addresses this aspect directly.
    Origami can develop students' geometric thinking by showing them "how shapes fit together to form larger shapes and how larger shapes can be made of smaller shapes" (Van de Walle, p 407). By constructing and deconstructing shapes children build on their spatial sense: the way objects fit together, and the relationships between objects (Van de Walle, p 400).
    Implementing this lesson, within a stage two classroom, provides students with the opportunity to construct, deconstruct, compare and describe two-dimensional shapes that three-dimensional shapes are constructed from. By providing these opportunities through the medium of origami the NSW BOS (2006) outcome SGS2.1 (p 23) will be addressed.

    • Models are usually three dimensional
    • each piece of art is a geometric figure

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