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Roland O'Daniel's List: Interactive Student Notebookimport from google notebook

  • Mar 29, 12

    An article by DeZure, Kaplan, and Deerman about implications for instructors about student note-taking. An interesting look at what research tells us about how students take notes, what they are able to remember and write down, mistakes that are commonly made, and what instructors can do to make their students more successful.

  • Mar 29, 12

    Walter Pauk's book in which he outlines the cornell Note-taking system as well as other skills for being successful in studying. He indicates these are essential skills for success in college yet, I don't see high school intentionally supporting these kinds of curricula and skills. 

  • Mar 29, 12

    Great one page synopsis of the Cornell Note-taking System right from the Cornell University web site.

  • Mar 29, 12

    Palomar College has identified for its students College Success Skills and offers them different resources to help them understand how to be successful. Some schools go a step further and offer a College Success course that encompasses these skills, but again we don't explicitly support these skills in coursework. How is it that teachers continue to think it is not their role to support students in being successful in their courses with explicit support of these kinds of routines! 

    It is also valuable to look at this list of skills for other skills to actively and intentionally support in schools. A great example is Active Listening. It's not a complex skill, and with an intentional effort by an entire faculty a system like SLANT from Kansas University could become the expectation in a school. 

  • Mar 29, 12

    Another description of the Cornell System for Note-Taking. I see so many schools having students take notes, but I don't see a systemic approach to note-taking and the development of the skills necessary in being successful studying using notes. Why don't we set our students up for success more often with these kinds of systems? 

  • Mar 29, 12

    Note taking description of Cornell Note Taking method from the Center for Literacy at the University of Tennessee

  • Megan, I think the online version adds capabilities to your model. I see lots of directions:
    • such as accessing the notebook from home or outside of class.
    • students adding their reflections or notes on a daily basis to create a class version of the ISN
      • a class version to share with your students next year and you already have examples to share with them
      • a formative way of assessing and seeing how their thinking has evolved, grown during the course of a year
      • motivating factor because it creates an outside audience
      • allows connections to other resources that is not possible in a regular paper and pencil notebook. I reference your email to me in which you hot linked to several resources making the email more interactive and in this case more informative. It also, lets the students focus on their thinking instead of focusing on how to solve the problem or define the term, which I think is valuable. It allows them to state an idea, base it on fact, and develop understanding of that very critical process. Making students critical thinkers is hard and I think is a real objective of your ISN.
    • allows you to look at the notebook from year to year to see how it has developed. I know in my work with several other teachers the accelaration from year to year online has been exponential. Each year we get better about using a  resource, but with the inclusion of technology students are able to accelerate it even further.
    • the notebook can become intereactive
    • uploading your notes allows students to access them when not in class. not a primary focus but a potential benefit.



    Many student notebooks are drab repositories of information filled with uninspired, unconnected, and poorly understood ideas. Interactive Student Notebooks, however, allow students to record information about history in an engaging way. As students learn new ideas, they use several types of writing and innovative graphic techniques to record and process them. Students use critical-thinking skills to organize information and ponder historical questions, which promotes creative and independent thinking. In Interactive Student Notebooks, key ideas are underlined in color or highlighted; Venn diagrams show relationships; cartoon sketches show people and events; timelines illustrate chronology; indentations and bullets indicate subordination; arrows show cause-and-effect relationships. Students develop graphical thinking skills and are often more motivated to explore and express high-level concepts.

    1. Make sure students have appropriate materials.
    To create Interactive Student Notebooks, students must bring these materials to class each day:
    • •  an 8 1/2-by-11-inch spiral-bound notebook, with at least 100 pages
    • •  a pen
    • •  a pencil with an eraser
    • •  two felt-tip pens of different colors
    • •  two highlighters of different colors
    • •  a container for all of these (purse, backpack, vinyl packet)
    2. Have students record class notes on the right side of the notebook.
    The right side of the notebook—the “input” side—is used for recording class notes, discussion notes, and reading notes. Typically, all “testable” information is found here. Historical information can be organized in the form of traditional outline notes. However, the right side of the notebook is also an excellent place for the teacher to model how to think graphically by using illustrated outlines, flow charts, annotated slides, T-charts, and other graphic organizers. There are many visual ways to organize historical information that enhance understanding. The right side of the notebook is where the teacher organizes a common set of information that all students must know.

    3. Have students process information on the left side of the notebook.
    The left side—the “output” side—is primarily used for processing new ideas. Students work out an understanding of new material by using illustrations, diagrams, flow charts, poetry, colors, matrices, cartoons, and the like. Students explore their opinions and clarify their values on controversial issues, wonder about “what if ” hypothetical situations, and ask questions about new ideas. And they review what they have learned and preview what they will learn. By doing so, students are encouraged to see how individual lessons fit into the larger context of a unit and to work with and process the information in ways that help them better understand history. The left side of the notebook stresses that writing down lecture notes does not mean students have learned the information. They must actively do something with the information before they internalize it.

    Left Side
    Right Side
    Here is a simple example of the right-side, left-side orientation of the Interactive Student Notebook in action. The student began by taking class notes on late nineteenth-century industrialism on the right side of her notebook and then, for homework, completed a topical net on the corresponding left side using information from her class notes.

  • Right Side ideas for ISNs from History Alive and annotated by me

    • 1. Advertisements design advertisements to represent migration, settlement, or the significance of a specific site.
    • 2. Annotated Classroom Maps create annotated classroom maps after Experiential Exercises to show how classroom experiences relate to historical situations.
    • 3. Annotated Illustrations make annotated illustrations to recount a story of travel or migration,to represent a moment in time, or to label architectural features.
    • 4. Annotated Slides use simple sketches of powerful images, accompanied by annotations, to help students understand difficult content.
    • 5. Book or Compact Disk Covers design book or

    • 6. Caricatures draw caricatures to present the main characteristics of a group inhistory or how an individual or group was perceived by another group.
    • 7. Eulogies write eulogies to extol the virtues of prominent historical figures or civilizations.
    • 8. Facial Expressions draw facial expressions to summarize the feelings of groups who have different perspectives on a single event.
    • 9. Flow Charts create flow charts to show causal relationships or to show steps in a sequence.
    • 10. Forms of Poetry write various forms of poetry to describe a person, place, event, or feeling of a moment.

    • 11. Historical Journals assume the role of a historical figure to keep a journal that recounts the figures feelings and experiences in language of the era.
    • 12. Illustrated Dictionary Entries explain key terms by created illustrated dictionary entries. Write adefinition, provide a synonym and an antonym, and draw an illustrationto represent each term.
    • 13. Illustrated Outlines use simple drawings and symbols to graphically highlight or organize class notes.
    • 14. Illustrated Proverbs create illustrated proverbs to explain complex concepts.
    • 15. Illustrated Timelines create illustrated timelines to sequence a series of events in chronological order.

    • 16. Invitations design invitations that highlight the main goals and key facts of important historical events.
    • 17. Making Connections Outside the Classroom after completing an activity, find examples outside of class of the topic or concept studied.
    • 18. Metaphorical Representations create metaphorical representations to explain difficult or abstract historical concepts.
    • 19. Mind Notes draw and label outlines of the heads of important historical figures.Fill in the outline with quotations and paraphrased thoughts from thefigure.
    • 20. Mosaics synthesize information from a broad content area by creating mosaics.Use visuals and words to represent similarities, differences, andimportant concepts.

    • 21. Perspective Pieces design drawings or write newspaper articles to represent different perspectives on controversial figures, events, and concepts.
    • 22. Pictowords create pictowords (symbolic representations of words or phrases tha show their meaning) to help define difficult concepts.
    • 23. Political Cartoons and Comic Strips create political cartoons and comic strips to provide social or political commentary on important historical events.
    • 24. Postcards after studying specific content, write postcards to summarize information about places or events.
    • 25. Posters draw posters to emphasize key points about political ideas, a political figures point of view, or reasons behind important historical events.

    • 26. Provocative Statements have students react to provocative statements to introduce historical themes or to critically assess a historical period.
    • 27. Report Card used graded evaluations to assess the policies of leaders or governments.
    • 28. Sensory Figures create sensory figures (simple drawings of prominent historical figureswith descriptions of what they might be seeing, hearing, saying,feeling, or doing) to show the thoughts, feelings, and experiences ofhistorical figures.
    • 29. Spectrums place information on spectrums to show multiple perspectives on a topic or to express an opinion about an issue.
    • 30. Spoke Diagrams create spoke diagrams as a visual alternative to outlining.

    • 31. T-Charts create T-charts to compare classroom experiences with historicaldetails, to look at advantages and disadvantages of a topic, or tocompare and contrast two different items.
    • 32. Venn Diagrams create Venn diagrams to compare and contrast people, concepts, places, or groups.
    • 33. What If? Statements use what if? statements to apply newfound knowledge to hypothetical historical situations.

    Concept Maps
    Comic Strips
    Venn Diagrams

      • Mr. Greer's ISN page

        Why use an interactive notebook?

        1. Students use both their visual
          and linguistic intelligences
        2. Note-taking becomes an
          active process
        3. Notebooks help students to
          systematically organize as
          they learn
        4. Notebooks become a portfolio
          of individual learning

        Personal Response Instructions

        1. Summarize the new information
        you have learned from the

        2. Relate or connect this new
        learning to what you previously knew
        about the topic

        3. Tell how you feel about what you
        have learned.

        At least 3 paragraphs
        are needed to meet the expectations
        for this assignment.


        Txt msg sumre,
        acrostic poem-
        Poems should show
        Explain something from the unit, and
        annotated illustration- Your annotated illustration must include: Color throughout, A full page picture, A minimum of 6 annotations explained in at least 2 sentences each, A title identifying the idea
        bumper sticker- Your bumper sticker must be: Related to the Unit, Colorful, Thoughtful
        Create Your Own Crossword Puzzle
        1. On a regular sheet of paper, create a list of 15 important people, places, events, or vocabulary from the unit.
        2. Make sure these terms are spelled correctly and have the correct number of letters.
        3. Create a clue for each word (this can be a detail, a question, a definition, etc.).
        4. Still on your own paper, begin writing the words out in various crisscross combinations.
        5.Once you have something you like make note of which words go across andwhich words go down. Separate the clues into across clues and downclues.
        6. After you have completed all the steps above, show this to your teacher and receive a piece of graph paper.
        7. Draw the boxes and clues as neatly as possible on the graph paper.
        Math Flash cards
        Yourtask: Create 4 flashcards for key terms from a given unit of math.Each card will include example, non-example, key characteristics, and definition in your own words.
        Mind Map
        Whenever we learn new things our brain makes connections to otherthings we already know. You will create a visual map that shows howyour brain connects the terms from a given unit. You end result will besomething like a web. Make your map look unique and artistic.
        Picture Analysis
        Answer the following questions in complete sentences on your ownsheet of paper. Your teacher will assign the graph or diagram toanalyze.
        Venn Diagram


        1. Copy the venn diagram onto your own paper.
        2. Write the name of one concept/topic on one side and the name of the other on the other side.
        3. In the first circle list 4 unique characteristics of concept 1.
        4. In the second circle list 4 unique characteristics of concept 2.
        5. In the middle section listed shared characteristics of the two concepts.

      • Card Sort
        • Create cards the form a series, forinstance small to large objects
        • Sort cards into the correct sequence of steps used to set up and solve a problem
        • Create cards of options/steps to solve problems and have students rank them from least to most desirable.
        Card Matching
        • Create cards to review content, for instance matching a term with its definition, example, or a picture/diagram/graph
        • Createcards for students to classify objects or ideas, for instance number properties, geometric relationships, equivalency
        • Create cards to practice skills, for instance equations to solve on one set and solutions on the other set.

        Behavior over time graph


        • Behavior over time graphs can be usedfor many purposes besides mathematical functions. You can have studentspredict what a graph will look like before they actually make thegraph; you can ask them to analyze a story and graph the suspense orhappiness of a character; you can ask them to graph their own behaviorcompared to some agreed-upon norm. A quick glance can tell you a lotabout what the students are thinking. Graphs that are not what you (theteacher) would expect can reveal misconceptions or particularlycreative mental models.
        • Graphs can be qualitative orquantitative. The only absolute is that time increases on the x-axis.Remind students that not all graphs are linear.
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