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rhyl macfarlane's List: Teaching Technology

    • Wiki: Introduction to Forums




      A forum, also known as a message board, bbs, or conferencing system, affords asynchronous, many-to-many, multimedia discussions for large groups of people over a period of time. That means that people can read and write their part of the discussion on their own schedule, that everyone in a group can communicate with everyone else, and that graphics, sounds, and videos can accompany text. This particular form of conversational medium meets the need for organizing discussions after they reach a certain level of complexity. If twenty people want to discuss five subjects over ten days, and each person makes one comment on each subject every day, that makes for one thousand messages in each participant's mailbox. On lists, when the topic drifts, the subject line usually does not change, so it makes it difficult to find particular discussions later.




      Previous students suggested starting with forums, moving to blogs later in the term, because they felt that forums afforded group discussion, while blogs are primarily about individual voice -- they felt that it was easier to get to know fellow students through the forums than through the blogs. Pay attention to these differences and see if you agree or disagree.

    • tarting with the week immediately following the first class meeting, and each week until we switch to blogs, each student is expected to contribute two substantial forum posts per week. During the first week, we're getting acquainted with each other and with the unorthodox way this course is organized, so the forum posts for the first week are expected to be introductory and informal. If you don't post in the forum by the second class meeting, instructor will assume that you are dropping the course and will remove your registration.
    • Eight Ways To Use School Wikis
    • Wikis are a great tool to help a school enrich instruction, and increase communication and collaboration among staff. They are also free (for educators using wikispaces) and provide unlimited storage for digital materials including video, screencasts, presentations, pdfs, etc.

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  • Nov 03, 09

    Westone elearning

    • 7 Tips for Remote Presentations That Rock
    • Virtual presentations are tough.


      We're not going to talk about basic presentation skills: how to organize your thoughts, how to deliver your presentation, how to support your message with the right charts or images. There are a number of books and IBM courses on effective presentations, and I'll link to them on the webpage for this talk. Today, we're going to talk specifically about giving presentations online.


      Why is this important? It starts with the reason why you give a presentation–any presentation. No matter what kind of presentation you're giving, your goal is to persuade people. You're convincing people to pay attention to what you're telling them and to act on that information. You want people to make a decision or take an action.


      Persuading people, influencing people, is a lot harder when you're not face-to-face. You're competing against e-mail and instant messaging for people's attention. You can't watch their eyes or their body language to tell when you're going too fast or too slow. People can leave any time they want, so you have to be interesting all throughout.

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  • Feb 28, 10

    Create an Online Satisfaction Survey, Customer Survey employee survey etc. FREE - Easy to use Survey Builder

  • Feb 28, 10

    Use Vovici’s educational survey software solutions for everything from student and faculty online surveys to course evaluation surveys.

    • I have been running a scheme of work with more than 300 students and 6 weeks after they completed their unit on 'dangerous geography' they have been responding to an online survey where over 178 completed surveys have been collected that indicate how successful they educational resources and teaching was at engaging students and their parents in disaster preparedness and planning.
    • but this all started with well thought out and tested educational materials put together but with children evaluating the materials while providing their teacher (me) with an idea if what they had learned and retained as well as what they engaged with most

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    • How to administer effective educational surveys.
    • 1) Keep it short and to the point: You must respect the needs of your audience, especially a younger audience like students.  That's why it's important to keep your educational survey short, focused, and actionable.  Let the audience know why you're sending them the online questionnaires, and what your goals are. 

      2) Ask focused questions: To follow-up on my first point, audiences like to be asked focused questions that are relevant to the premise you've outlined at the beginning of the educational survey.  If you ask a number of questions that don't appear to be immediately relevant to your students, they may lose interest - which leads to poor feedback.  Remember that the goal of your survey is to draw conclusions from the data presented.  If the questions do not have a clear focus, there are no conclusions that can be drawn from them.

      3) Pre-test your survey: If you are able, it helps to have a small group of people try your online feedback questionnaire, before you send it to the larger group.  This will be a great way to "troubleshoot" the survey, to make sure all of the questions are clear, actionable, and have value to you, as the administrator.

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    • Online Surveys Advantages & Disadvantages

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      The Internet and e-mail make it faster and cheaper to develop survey panels. It costs significantly less to send e-mail surveys than to make phone calls or send postal mail surveys.

    • Also, e-mail has a higher incidence rate than other survey methods

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      Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Online Surveys

    • The landscape has shifted over the last decade. In the same way that the internet has changed the way we purchase products and services, it has altered the manner in which companies interact with their respective markets. More businesses than ever are leveraging online surveys
      to attract the data they need at a substantially lower cost.

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