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rhyl macfarlane's List: Evaluate learning facilitation and delivery

    • What  is learning?


      "Higher learning is an active, interactive, self-aware process  that results in meaningful, long-lasting changes in knowledge, skills,  behaviours,  beliefs, attitudes... that can not be attributed primarily to maturation."


      It  is useful to distinguish between deep and surface learning. It is usually  deep learning that lecturers aim to foster in their students.

      Deep learning involves ...Surface learning involves ...
      active thinking
       critical evaluation
       making connections
       more effective retention
       an ability to apply new learning to different contexts
       challenging tasks
      limited thinking
       little analysis
       little critical evaluation
       learning new material in isolation from context
       ineffective retention
       little ability to apply new learning to different contexts
       relatively easy tasks (sometimes of the 'hunt and peck' variety)
      • Factors which promote effective learning


        Fourteen  general research findings about effective learning.


        In general, students  learn more when they:

        1. are actively engaged with the work
        3. have high but realistic expectations  and goals
        5. receive regular, timely and specific feedback 
        7. focus on what's most important
        9. are aware of their learning
        11. experience a balance of intellectual  challenge and academic support
        13. are explicitly aware of preconceptions  and prior learning and are willing to unlearn when necessary
        15. connect  new and prior knowledge
        17. organise their learning in a meaningful way
        19. apply their learning to  real-world situations
        21. they are assessed appropriately and understand  the assessment criteria
        23. work regularly and productively with instructors
        25. work regularly  and productively with other students
        27. invest time and make a committed  effort.

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    • 5 Amazing Tools To Create Tutorials
    • This is a Presentation and Tutorial creation software. Wink is an extremely useful tool for creating tutorials on ‘how to use any software’ for e.g. MS-Word/Excel

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  • Jan 21, 10

    New kinds of electronic tools are emerging that allow instructors to craft presentations that more closely reflect new approaches to teaching and learning. For instance, many of these tools allow collaboration between multiple authors, and some use nonlinear branching or sequencing so that class discussion can guide the presentation. Presentation tools based on new models of representing information also encourage instructors to rethink learning activities in ways that can improve learning. These tools might also bring about a more thorough merging of in-person and remote classroom audiences.

    • New kinds of electronic tools are emerging that allow instructors to craft presentations that more closely reflect new approaches to teaching and learning. For instance, many of these tools allow collaboration between multiple authors, and some use nonlinear branching or sequencing so that class discussion can guide the presentation. Presentation tools based on new models of representing information also encourage instructors to rethink learning activities in ways that can improve learning. These tools might also bring about a more thorough merging of in-person and remote classroom audiences.


      The "7 Things You Should Know About..." series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provides concise information on emerging learning technologies. Each brief focuses on a single technology and describes what it is, where it is going, and why it matters to teaching and learning. Use these briefs for a no-jargon, quick overview of a topic and share them with time-pressed colleagues.


      In addition to the "7 Things You Should Know About…" briefs, you may find other ELI resources useful in addressing teaching, learning, and technology issues at your institution. To learn more, please visit the ELI Resources page.

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