24 items | 4 visits
The Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum refers to web resources on this list.
Updated on May 09, 14
Created on May 08, 14
Category: Not Categorized
The Safety House Program is a community based program. Local Committees are drawn from caring members of the community.
Through their efforts, and with the co-operation of the school administration and other organisations your children and the community are given valuable advice on personal safety skills.
The Safety House program aims to maintain awareness of the problems faced by the community and to increase their level of protection.
A brochure which details how to teach children to ride safely; safety equipment and a checklist; tips on bike maintenance and choosing the right bike for a child. When you click on this link you should be prompted to either open or save the PDF document.
"Children use different modes of transport when travelling between home and school. As they gain more self-reliance and independence, it is critical for them to develop the capacity to evaluate road environments, transport options and develop safe transport strategies for travelling between home and school.
This unit has a focus on developing strategies for making safe travel choices. In this unit, students will analyse the risks they encounter on their usual travel route and propose actions they could take to make travelling between home and school safer."
"There are a range of factors that influence 12–15 year olds’ road use behaviours including road safety advertising and social trends.In this unit students will develop an understanding that road safety campaigns are a health promotion strategy used to advocate for improved road safety behaviours of individuals and communities. There is a focus on exploring past and present road safety campaigns and identifying how their design might elicit particular responses from a target audience, through the deconstruction of road safety advertising material."
hildren of all ages can gain an understanding of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Child Rights. This child-friendly version is relevant for all children and allows young people to raise awareness and disseminate information about their rights.If you are a child who is between 9 and 15 years old, then this book is for you!"
The Queensland Stormwater Safety Education program is designed for teachers working with students in years 3 and 4 and 5 to 7 in Queensland schools. The aim of the program is to assist students to develop an understanding of the dangers of stormwater, floodwater and stormwaterdrainage systems, and to promote in students an awareness of safe practices when in and around flood and storm water.
A quiz for students in Years 7-8 to self assess their level of cybersafety knowledge.
The section of the Cyber Smart website devoted to students aged 12 and above, wiht quizzes and games, videos and information on a range of cybersafety issues.
"The Australian Government's Easy Guide to Socialising Online provides information on how internet users can protect themselves and their information when using social networking sites, search engines and online games"
A short video created by a high school student to demonstrate examples of ethical decision making and the dilemmas they pose.
A pdf printable handout that summarises basic internet security tips when online.
The winner of the Generation Next Get Ya Head Right live action video competition. A video which depicts the impact of online bullying.
"Once you send a photo online, there’s no way to control it. It’s out of your hands."
Ryan and Noah share their stories to show that online victimization can happen to boys too.
"In these short, informal interview pieces, teens voice their thoughts and share their online experiences. "
"In this short video, teenagers talk about what risky behaviour is, how they assess whether a situation or action is risky, and how they react when their friends are doing something that they consider risky behaviour. Parents discuss how they deal with their children doing potentially risky things."
Within the curriculum this factsheet is referred to.
""For Every Child" is a UNICEF video which highlights the importance of realizing children's rights as foreseen in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The four and a half minute video is set to "Lullaby, The UNICEF Anthem" composed and produced by UNICEF Canada Ambassador Steve Barakatt."
The Keep it Tame video clip teaches students about sharing and uploading of sexual images in photos. It is an excellent resource.
beyondblue’s youth program, Youthbeyondblue, aims to empower young people aged 12–25, their friends and those who care for them to respond to anxiety and depression. We support and promote environments and settings that build on strengths of young people and respond to ongoing change.
Look for the signs of anxiety and depression, Listen to your friends' experiences, Talk about what's going on, Seek Help together!
24 items | 4 visits
The Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum refers to web resources on this list.
Updated on May 09, 14
Created on May 08, 14
Category: Not Categorized